24) The House Elf And Grievous Injuries

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Y/N and Hermione had constructed a plan to get Most Potente Potions from the restricted section. Hermione was going to convince Lockhart to give her permission to get the book and Y/N was to make sure that nothing happened.

Lockhart had just dismissed the class and Y/N and Hermione were waiting for everyone to leave.

"Just go and ask him, he's stupid enough to just give it to you and I'll make sure you're OK." said Y/N.

"All right, here goes."

Hermione approached Lockhart with the permission form in hand.

"Er - Professor Lockhart."

"Ah, Miss Granger, what can I do for my best student?"

"I was just wondering if you could give me permission to get a book out of the Restricted Section. It would help me a lot in understanding what you say in Ghadding with Ghouls about slow acting poisons."

"Ah, Ghadding with Ghouls." said Lockhart smiling and taking the note from Hermione. "You enjoyed it? Perhaps you want to stay and talk about it, it's one of my favourites."

"Maybe another time sir, I've got plans."

Lockhart glanced at Y/N who was stood in the door with his arms crossed.

"Ah, how unfortunate, I hope this book is of use to you and that we might get to chat another time."

"Thank you Professor, this will help a lot." said Hermione taking the now signed note back from Lockhart.

Hermione and Y/N returned to the common room to break the good news to Harry and Ron.

"He really is stupid." said Y/N "He didn't even look at what book you wanted."

"Definitely not the brightest." replied Hermione as they stepped through the Fat Lady's portrait.

Harry and Ron turned their gaze on the portrait and stood up as soon as they saw Y/N and Hermione.

"Did he sign it?" asked Ron eagerly

"Of course he did." said Harry. "He thinks Hermione is the best student to ever exist."

"He doesn't think that." said Y/N. "You forget that Lockhart was a student once."

"Let's go to the library then," said Ron "and see what we need for this Polyjuice Potion."

The quartet made their way to the library and presented the signed note from Lockhart to Madam Pince. She inspected it thoroughly as if she suspected there was a forgery. It passed the test and Pince stalked through the shelves of the Restricted Section. She returned minutes later with a large book which Hermione slipped into her bag.

They took the book to Myrtle's bathroom where Hermione shut down Ron's objections.

"We'll have some privacy, no one ever comes in here." she said.

They entered and sat down. Hermione shuffled close to Y/N on the floor and opened Most Potente Potions, the four of them leant over the pages to read it.

Hermione and Y/N read over the ingredients required for Polyjuice Potion.

"That is one complicated potion." said Y/N.

"We won't be able to get most of these ingredients from the student stores. And then there's the problem of having to get some of the person we're changing into." said Hermione.

"Excuse me?" exclaimed Ron "What do you mean bits of whoever we're changing into? I'm drinking nothing with bits of Crabbe in it."

"You will if you have to." said Y/N.

The Telepath: A Hermione Granger x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now