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How do people live with these and wear them in their everyday life?

I swear I could barley flush the toilet let alone do anything else with them on.

They are pretty tho, that's one thing.

I think I actually got better at using acrylics. For example; I learned how to wear my shoes with them and tie them. I even made food, and managed to put on some lipgloss.



Those were very hard tasks, I know.

I should honestly get a round of applause for all the effort I put.



I think I might just become a hobo, since I waisted so much money this month.

And every other month.

But I waisted it on shoes and food.

And they were fucking worth it.


I lay on top of the blanket that is sprawled over the green grass. The wind slightly brushing away my brown hair. I lower my sunhat to keep the sun away, because that's it's purpose,


I really need to do something with my life.

Other than eating.

Not that it's a bad thing.

I am sitting in the park currently, if you can't tell.

I like being alone.

Like a lot.

I remember when I was a teenager, I would be in my room or in any other room in our house that has no one else.

My dad thought I had autism.

He even said that to my face.

It's not a bad thing, and all that shit, but honestly I would prefer if I really had it.

So I could use it as an excuse to be alone.

But sadly I don't.

Since I used to have a lot of friends in school, and I was an open person.

Not to mention that the fact that I used to bully the teachers helped me with making more friends.

I used to comment a lot on what they said, and the whole class would laugh.

I got into a lot of shit because of that.

So I don't advice you to do that.

But I liked seeing people laugh or just smile, and it made me really happy that I was the reason behind it.

As cheesy as that sounds, it is very much true.

And although I was an extremely friendly person, I was closed off. Still am.

I hate telling people about my secrets, and not just because they are intense or dangerous and all that shit, but it's probably because I suck at expressing my emotions.

I have a very rocky relationship with my mother because of that. I don't like talking about things and telling her what happened and all that shit girls and boys do with they're mother.

She'd always say that she wished I was like the other girls. A girl who would open up to her and just tell her everything, and follow her everywhere like a tail.

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