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"But you know what I like even more?" I ask her as the elevator door closes and after we got in.

"Hmm?" She hums looking up at me.

"You" I state.

She whips her head and looks at me dead in the eye as if waiting for me to say that it's just a joke.

But it's not.

"You.. you- like me?" She questions.

"Yeah like a lot" I tell her.

"Really?" She asks still unsure.

"Yea" I nod eagerly so she could believe me.

"I like you a lot as well" she grins.

"Does that mean I have permission to kiss you now?" I ask. She bites back a smile as she nods before I pull her towards me.

Her lips are as soft as a bellow. Sweeter than honey, just like her.

The elevator door slides open and Kenzie immediately pulls away, I let out a huff as the person looks down at the floor in horror, probably scared of me.

"Sorry" Kenzie blurts out trying to hide her face into my chest as I wrap my arm around her and glare at the girl before I walk with her outside of the lobby, ignoring the staring eyes that are following us.

She likes me.

She likes me back.

🔥😡 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐞 😡🔥

Holy fucking shit.

I like him.

I have fucking feelings for him.

I think I'm about to faint.

I just cheated on Benji.

Well sucks to be him.

Nathan pulls the door for me and I get inside, he does the same before shutting the door and doing his usual routine as he buckles me up.

He pecks my forehead before putting his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him. I rest my head on him and look up to meet his gaze.

"how long have you knew about your feelings for me?" I ask.

"I don't know" he says holding my gaze.

"Probably for a while now, but I just realized that it isn't just a stupid crush few minutes ago when I told you that I like you" he clarifies.

"And the first thing you do when you understand your feelings is telling me?" I raise a brow in amusement.

"Yeah?" He nods.


"Can I ask you something?" He says. I nod my head.

"Can you choose my clothes every time?" He lets out.

"Why?" I frown in confusion. He does have a good taste in clothes, it just he always wears formal.

"So I get to say that I like you more than the outfit, and then we kiss" he answers truthfully not missing a beat.

Someone hold my heart before it falls.

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