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"You ready?" Nat asks when we reach the building. I nod and the driver turns to us handing us the glasses.

Nathan fixes the strands that are messing my hair away from my face before he puts on the glasses for me. I thank him as he slips his on.

"Okay, let's do this" I let out.

"Wait for me here" Nathan tells me and I nod as I see him opening his door. Seconds later mine is opened, and Nathan helps me out and then he laces our fingers together creating some warmth.

Nathan squeezes my hand once we are out of the car. I give him a hopeful smile as if telling him I'm okay, but I can barley see his reflection through these stupid glasses.

Not a second later, I hear people yelling, clicking of cameras, and lights come in my eyesight, but thankfully the glasses help a bit with covering the blinding flashes.

Nathan wraps his arm around my shoulder as he tries to shield me from those jerky people.

I still don't understand why some people work as paparazzi.

No offense.

I can't see anything other than hear voices as Nat leads the way.

The voices fade slowly once we are greeted by warmth.

"We're in" Nathan whispers kissing my head as I slowly peel my head towards the interior of the building.

"Wow" I breath and hear Nat chuckles beside me.

Only then do I notice the amount of people working like silent bees in the place, some even gulping and avoiding eye contact, others -mostly women's- staring forward at us as if we both were a painting hung on the wall of an art gallery.

"Come on, lets go" Nathan says. I nod and follow him with our fingers still interwind together. We reach an elevator, and Nathan presses on the button, seconds later the door is slid open, and the guy inside turns red as he looks down at the floor.

I look at Nathan confused, only to see him glaring at the guy. The poor man apologizes for absolutely no reason, before he leaves the elevator.

We get inside instead, and the doors are shut once Nathan presses on one of the buttons, and then probably the floor we're going to.

After few seconds the door opens, and we walk out together.
Everywhere I look at scream money.

Nat reaches for keys in his pockets before unlocking the huge wooden double doors.

He welcomes me in and the first thing my eyes mostly drawn at is the interior.

Unlike what I usually read about these offices, there isn't floor to celling window, no. A balcony is there instead showing off many other smaller and bigger buildings in the distance. The office looks calm with the grey-ish blue coloring the walls, plant's in every corner as if it's a Pinterest post or something.

"I love this!" I gush as I walk towards the middle where a wooden desk is. On one wall there is different decorations hanging, a comfortable looking couch sits under them, a coffee table is placed on the fluffy white carpet.
On the next wall there is only a clock, and a door— probably leading to a bathroom, and another door on the one opposite of it, leading to the balcony. The last wall is simply decorated with an organized shelf, with binders, books and files sitting in it.

"So are you like the CEO or what exactly?" I question as I walk and sit on the couch.

"I'm the chairman" he admits and I nod.

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