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You would think if you see Nathan that he's a very arrogant, intimidating cold hearted person.

But no.

He was literally screaming the whole way through the movie.

He's none of the things above,

Because he's a fucking pussy.

I had to place my hand over his mouth every few seconds of the movie just so his scream won't wake up the people living next to me.

If anyone needs an emergency alarm.

Lady's and gentlemen..

I advertise Nathan to you.

For free.

Never mind,

Give me the money.

He's now sound asleep like the kid he's. He's been sleeping for the last ten minutes, and I can't even stand.

I need to use the fucking toilet..

Or I'll shit in my pants.

But I just can't find it in me to wake this stupid idiot up.

He's very cute.

Both awake, and asleep.

He's also pretty annoying.

I try to lift his head slowly, so I don't wake him up.

Thankfully he doesn't even move or anything.

I guess he's too far in dream land already.



I do my business in the bathroom before going back to Nathan and putting the off white blanket on top of him.

I'm so nice and caring,

I know.

I make sure it covers all of his body which it doesn't because of how tall he is.

He probably works as a traffic light.

I reach for the grey blanket and drop it on the remaining of his body. I turn and switch off the lights before going in my bedroom which benji outruns me to.

I close my eyes once I'm wrapped around my big fluffy blanket before I fall asleep.

🌸🦋 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 🦋🌸

I wake up the next morning doe to feeling the heat around me and my body. Slowly I open my eyes, and the first thing I'm facing is the sun light that is coming from the window.

This is definitely not my apartment.

I sit up and blink few times as I adjust to my surroundings.

I'm in Kenzie's apartment.

Finally I get up and notice the two blanket that fall on the floor.

She wrapped me with the blanket that she wouldn't even let me touch yesterday.


I look around and head to the open kitchen, where I rinse my face with cold water before washing my hands.

Noticing the bag of toast on the counter, I open the fridge and reach for the eggs.

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