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Just as I finish fixing a napkin to my clothes, my gaze falls on Kenzie.

She doesn't even wait for me as I watch her stuffs her mouth with food, like she hasn't eaten in months, if not years.

Few minutes later when she notices I haven't touched any of the food she lifts her head up and catches me red handed staring at her.

"What?" She asks arching a brow as she takes a bite of the well cooked steak.

"N-nothing" I reply looking down at the filled table and I could hear her mutter something under her breath that is in the lines of,


I then start eating some of the food that is sat on the table, raising my sight every few seconds to glance at Kenzie who is sharing her food with her cat.

"You know you haven't told me yet why you're doing all of this" she says after few minutes. I stop in the process of chopping and think about it.

Why am I really doing all of this?

"Um, the other day." I start looking up from the plate to meet her gaze.

"Yea?" She urges.

"You lost this, and I thought about returning it to you ever since" I half lie reaching for her earring from inside my suit pocket to hand it to her.

She stares at it from her hand blinking rapidly before she looks up at me with a blank expression.

"What?" I ask as she stares at me with a thin line across her lips.

"Omg" she exhales.

Seconds later her laughter echoes through the room as she looks at me like I'm the stupidest person on earth.

I am not.

"Why are you laughing?" I ask her.

"Because b..b-" she tries to say but fails miserably as she hits her knees with her hand and her head falls back as she erupts into more fits of laughter.

I watch her my brows knitted together in confusion for few more seconds before she finally manages to calm down.

"Oh gosh" she lets out shaking her head as she looks down at her cat, her face with the widest smile I have seen so far.

"Because it's no even mine" she replies biting her bottom lip as she looks up at me, trying to hide her smile.

"Oh" I breath out.

"Sorry..?" She says as the information drowns in me.

"It's not you're fault" I tell her honestly shaking my head.

"Can I at least finish the rest of the food before you kick me out?" She questions a hopeful look decorating her face as she looks at me.

"Yeah, I'm not going to kick you out" I state firmly.

She beams at me with a huge smile as if the sun had just risen.

CloserNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ