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'It's positive.' I spoke as I handed him the positive pregnancy test. I had been feeling a little nauseous for the last week and my period had been late. Alex had been suggesting to take a test and here we were, alone in the Marquez motorhome during a Grand Prix weekend.

'Really?' Alex's eyes went wide as he picked up the test from my hand and two lines were staring right back at him. 'Oh, my-.' Alex picked me carefully up with a huge smile and started to give me kisses all over my face.

'What's wrong? Your not happy?' He looked concerned at me as he put me down softly. He noticed that she was not as happy as him.

'I'm scared, Alex.' I whisper to him. Afraid to get my heart broken again. The fear of anything that could go wrong again bigger than the happiness at the moment. I got off birth control a year ago as both of us agreed that if it would happen, it would happen. Of course, I was happy, there was nothing more I wanted than to have a child with the man I loved. The circumstances are much more different than the last time we were in a similar situation.

'Look at me, we can't take the fear of last time take over this one.' I look at Alex's brown eyes as he cups my face with his hands, feeling scared as I get flashbacks of losing Fabio's baby.

'I will get you the best care possible, for both of you.' Alex promises her as he kisses her temple, also feeling scared of the life of the little one he had yet to meet. 'I can't believe you are carrying our child right now.' He lifts up my shirt and presses his lip against my belly, making me feel emotional as he starts to talk to my stomach.

'Hey, little one. Please keep growing. Mommy and I can't wait to hold you.' They both hoped that everything would go well this time around.

'Alex, have I told you already how much I love you today?' I was starting to get overwhelmed by all the different emotions that I was feeling right now.


'Dad? Can I talk to you?' I looked around the Honda hospitality where he was sitting at a table going through some e-mails on his laptop.

'Yeah, of course. Come, sit down.' Alberto smiled at his daughter and pointed at the chair next to him.

'Can I talk to you in private?' I was still standing, while most of the Honda crew were eating their lunch. Alberto nodded confused at why his daughter needed to talk to him in private. 'Let's head upstairs.'

'I think you have to find a new PR.' I told my father as we were in the empty office room upstairs in the Honda hospitality. Alberto looked at Sarah confused.

'What? Why? I thought you still loved this job!' Alberto said, not understanding why his daughter would want to leave. He loved having her around.

'I have to take things easy in the coming months.' I see him looking even more confused at me. 'Alex and I are expecting a child together.'

'Your pregnant?!' His eyes went wide as he briefly looked at her stomach, where there was still not a sign to be seen yet. I nodded, feeling the happy tears start to prick. Those goddamn hormones.

'Wow, that's incredible! Congratulations!' My dad pulled me into a massive hug and kissed my hair.

'Is everything going well?' He asked, pulling back from their embrace, looking at his daughter concerned. He still remembered the time he was in the middle of the night in the hospital because of the miscarriage of his first grandchild.

'So far everything is going well. We went to see the doctor earlier this week.' Remembering the doctor's visit a couple of days ago and seeing the baby for the first time.

'I want to take it slow this time, you know after what happened last time. Alex and I have been talking that I should quit my job and get more rest and getting for the little one.' I quickly put my hand on my still flat stomach.

'That's no problem at all. I'm glad you're looking after yourself. I'm so happy for you both! Although we are going miss your work here at Honda.' Alberto wanting nothing more than his daughter and his unborn grandchild to be happy and healthy.


Location: Cervera, Spain.

Liked by motogp, marcmarquez93, celinex and 38,793 others

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Liked by motogp, marcmarquez93, celinex and 38,793 others.

sarahpuig We have been keeping a secret.. We can't wait to meet you, little one. 💕
Tagged alexmarquez73.
fabioquartararo20 Congrats you two! I hope everything is going well.
| sarahpuig @fabioquartararo20 Everything is going fine, thank you. 😊
motogp Our MotoGP family keeps expanding - congrats Alex and Sarah!
polespargaro Amazing news! Congrats!
hrc_motogp We can't wait to meet the newest addition to the family. 🥰
marcmarquez93 My little nephew or niece. Can't wait to be the best uncle ever. 😘
celinex 😍😍
jl20martinez Congratulations! 👣
takanakagami So that's why you were not at every race. Happy for the both of you!
| sarahpuig @takanakagami The bump was getting hard to hide. 🤭
88jorgemartin Ah! Congrats!! 🍼
alexmarquez73 My loves. ❤️
| sarahpuig @alexmarquez73 ❤️❤️

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