Chapter 1: A Parent's Love

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"Oh, hey there little lizard. Since when have you been here?" Magnus noticed the iguana placed on one of his table on the living room. He doesn't remember when did he bought one or where did this one came from but nonetheless, it's there, let it stay.

After his weird encounters with the Shadowhunters and the vampire, Magnus left the Institute with Catarina — who needed to go back for Madzie — then went straight to his apartment.

"You've kept me waiting." Magnus turned quickly recognizing that voice which sent down chills on his spine. Then he saw Asmodeus, casually leaning on his bedroom door.


"Won't you give dad a hug?" Magnus frowned seeing his father standing before him, not just a product of any magic but in the flesh.

Who, in their right mind, would summon a greater demon here on Earth?? Not just a greater demon but a Prince of Hell.

Asmodeus just smiled, a cunning one, then went to sat down on one of Magnus's couch and played with the iguana beside him by tapping  the glass cage.

As much as Magnus wants to banish his father right then and there, there's something in him that's holding that back. Firstly, not to be dramatic, but Magnus is a hundred percent sure that he is his father's least priority, especially if some moron really did summon him. So there is no reason for him to start a fight with the demon who's much more powerful than he is.

"My boy, will you just stand there and stare? Don't you think at least give your father something for making me wait?"

"Making you wait?" Asmodeus chuckled and whispered something Magnus didn't bother to listen to. He's sure that it's just an expression in some demonic language.
"Not to be rude but what are you doing in my apartment? I'm sure enough that that dumb dumb who summoned you must've had a house to welcome you with?"

"Dumb dumb who summoned me? My boy, your pain summoned me. And as a father, I do not wish to see a child of mine wastes the pain he should use to be more powerful."

"My pain?" Asmodeus's gold-green cat eyes shone in satisfaction, and Magnus didn't like it all.

Everything seems weird today, Magnus thought — Catarina, those Shadowhunters, Sheldon the vampire, the iguana in his living room, his father walking topside in New York and looking so disgustingly happy in front on him it doesn't feel right.

"Your pain, Magnus. Your pain when you lost your position as the High Warlock. So, as your father, it is my responsibility to gave you back what you deserve." Asmodeus pointed the glass cage beside him, as if telling Magnus to look closely and clearly at the iguana inside.

"Is that. . ." of course Magnus can clearly remember when he got demoted from the High Warlock position, it is truly frustrating and depressing but it is not that painful. He knew it didn't hurt him that much, he just don't know why.
"Lorenzo? You turned him into —"

"You can turn him back if you want. But when you do, he'll also take back the position that's rightfully yours." being the High Warlock meant everything to Magnus. It helps him to connect to different people and be able to help them in any way he can. Well, with the right price of course.
"Lorenzo Rey's father, Belial, is a subject of mine. Just as he is your subject, my boy. . . Bloodlines and all."

Being a child of one of the most powerful demon, Magnus is also considered as one of the most powerful warlock. And just like what his father said, Belial is under Asmodeus and him being under Lorenzo Rey doesn't seem right.

"But how about the other warlocks? They'll question —"

"No need, my child. I already made Lorenzo take care of that before he turned into your quiet little roommate."

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