Chapter 7: Saving Magnus

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Maryse ended up following Alec back to her shop. As of the moment, she's the only one who can focus on keeping an eye on Alec. And Alec needs her now, as his mother, more than ever.

"Have you eaten yet?" Maryse found Alec drowning himself on the books and maps in front of him. Turning the pages back and forth, looking through different books at the same time.


"Sweetheart, it's okay to take some time to mourn." and when Maryse saw Alec paused, she took that chance to continue.
"Magnus's bravery saved Alicante. His sacrifice is the only thing that allows the Clave to successfully banish those remaining wraiths."

"Magnus is not dead." Alec said firmly. He does not wish to disrespect his mother but hearing her say those words, it's offending him.
"He is in Edom." he's only in Edom, Alec wanted to add. But the truth is, it's not only Edom. It's the Edom. And it may not be easy going to a dimension of Hell, at least Alec knows Magnus is alive.

And that's what he wants everyone to understand. That Magnus is alive and can be saved. That there may only a very small chance Alec can get to Edom to save Magnus but at least there is still hope.

"We both know that he can't ever come back home." Maryse doesn't want to hurt her son more but it is the truth. It may not be the best way to talk some sense unto Alec but sugar coating words won't help her son in any way.
"The rift would reopen and all of Edom would come back with him." unless they can find something that could permanently close or seal the rift, that's the only possible way Magnus can come back to them.

"I'm going to find a way. And I'm going to get him back." that's his plan - Alec's. If he needs to read every book that has mentioned Edom, Hell, or any other dimensions of Hell, he'll be willing to do so just to find answers he can use to get Magnus back.
"I am not asking everyone to help me. I just need your support. If I need to go to Edom alone, then I will do it. I just need you - every one of you - to believe in me."

"And I do, Alec. I trust you that you'll find a way sooner or later to bring Magnus back but the rift -"

"Magnus and I will find a way to close the rift permanently. But if he can't leave Edom, then I will stay there with him."

"Alec, -"

"We still have our wedding to plan." unconsciously, Alec gripped tightly on his ring, the one Magnus gave him. It calms him down, it eases his mind and makes him focus more what's in front of him - just like how Magnus is to him. His serenity.

* * * * *

Magnus has been in his room since he came back from Alicante. And since then, he's been staring at his ring - still contemplating on why did he removed Alec from his memories.

Was he in so much pain that he decided to get rid of Alec in his life? Or was he just really that impulsive in decision making? But nonetheless, now that he knows - and he feels - how Alec loves him, he's determined to regain his memories of him - them. And maybe being in Edom, with his power growing, he might be able to retrieve his lost memories.

"Magnus." Magnus turned and saw his father standing on the door-less doorway.

"I'd say you were rude for neglecting to knock, but you don't really seem to care much for doors. . . Or ceilings, for that matter." Magnus added. Asmodeus chuckled and went straight to sat on the corner of Magnus's bed.

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