Chapter 12: Lightwood-Bane

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The Institute is filled with Shadowhunters and Downworlders. It has never been this crowded and well decorated, not even the supposed-to-be wedding of Lydia and Alec. The Institute looks very different — very sophisticated, very elegant yet very glittery . . . Very Malec.

Everyone's buzzing because of excitement. Not all Downworlders had a chance to step foot in any Institute, as to not all Shadowhunters had a chance to interact with any Downworlders since they — Shadowhunters — don't really have a good reputation among the Downworlders. And it's not everyday they can witness a wedding, especially one like this — a Shadowhunter and a Downworlder union.

"I can't wait to see Alec and Magnus!" Izzy exclaimed. There's so much excitement in her voice, much more excited than the groom themselves. She's with Simon, Clary and Jace, waiting for Alec and Magnus along with the other guests.
"With Magnus's taste, I bet everything will be perfect."

"It's a good thing Alec didn't help with the preparations. I'll feel sorry for Magnus if that happens. . . Hey! Ow!" Jace received a lot of hits and pinches from Clary and Isabelle because of his statement. Simon didn't even try to join, which is a good decision.
"That's not fair! You'll mess my suit! Magnus will scold me for that."

"In all fairness, you look very decent today, Jace." Simon added but immediately stopped when Jace glared at him.

"Bet that Alec will hear about this." Isabelle threatened but Jace just make faces and ignored her.

"Well, despite their different tastes, I can't think of  a more perfect couple aside from them."

"Of course! I totally agree, Fray! It was as if yesterday when Alec kissed Magnus in front of the entire Institute! It was a live version of The Graduate, I won't take that back. Wait, can I say a better version? No?" Simon responded as he agrees with Clary, but Clary's looks say otherwise with what Simon said.

Everyone adored Magnus and Alec's relationship. Despite their contradicting personalities, the two made it work out and it was no secret that they went through a lot because of those differences. So it is just and right for them to have this perfect wedding.

A few minutes later the ceremony began. Everyone went to their respective places. Jace went up the dais and stood beside Brother Zachariah. And as the music played, Madzie walked down the aisle first. Filling the white and gold carpet with yellow-gold petals.

The little warlock confidently walked as the eyes of Downworlders and Shadowhunters watch her. From being the aloof kid, she became playful and happy. Thanks to Alec, Magnus and Catarina's genuine love.

All the audience stood up as Alec — along with Robert, his father —entered. He seems nervous but his eyes shows the opposite. Alec looks so happy, contented, and free, totally different from the Alec everyone used to know. From who Alec used to be before Magnus came in the picture.

As Alec reached the dais, his father hugged him before going to his seat. Then Jace, as Alec's suggenes, welcomed Alec with a big smile on his face.

"This is it." Jace whispered but still loud enough for Alec to hear. Alec nervously nodded yet he managed to smile proudly at his parabatai.
"I'm proud of you, bud."

"Thanks. This is really is it." Alec stood where he's suppose to stand. Patiently waiting for his other pair to arrive.

Then a moment later, here comes Magnus with Maryse, who's looking so proud and genuinely happy for Magnus and her son.

She, Robert, and Magnus have their fair share of reasons why they never had a good relationship with each other. They both had their prejudices and experiences why they never associate with the kinds of one another. They didn't also think that there'll ever be a day they can stand next to each other without remembering their terrible past. But now, in just a few minutes, they'll become a family.

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