Extra: Waves of Gray (Clary and Jace)

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It's late in the afternoon, Clary's walking back to her apartment when she felt someone following her. But as she turn around, there's no one there to see.

It's been like this for days, months even, she'll feel someone, or maybe something, is always in her shadows and always watching her. It sends creeps on her, the feeling of being watched but no one's around. Yet at the same time, Clary felt safe. It's weird, feeling creepy and safe at the same time.

Until not too long ago, Clary started feeling weirder than ever. She started seeing things that aren't usually there before. She started seeing clips of scenarios, heard conversations, and memories in her mind. Like a music she used to forgot and now's coming back. Like she's been building a thousand jigsaw puzzle and every piece is now complete.

And then she started seeing him. Like a ghost, sometimes he's there but then with a blink he's gone. It's as if her eyes are deceiving her but at the same time Clary knew the guy's real. He's wearing a leather jacket; a strap full of whatever-is-that-stick-looking objects hanging on his hips; his blond hair perfectly combed back from his face; and his bi-colored eyes Clary always catches staring at her. The guy's sometimes leaning on a pole or a wall near where she's at, or sitting on a bench across her, or even following her wherever she's heading.

But then as Clary regained her Sight, her memories followed after. Like a waves of gray that became colorful as the bits and pieces is coming altogether.

It took every ounce of Clary's willpower to keep herself from running towards Jace. She's confused how did she able to got her Sight and her memories back but for now, the hows and the whys are not important. What matters is now she can see and talk to them. But in no way she can just show up in the Institute as if nothing happened.

Instead, it was Magnus who she immediately seek and contacted with the help of Catarina. Magnus immediately went to see her without Alec's knowledge. Just to check on her, make sure she's fine.

"Hey, sorry, Alec was here a while ago. You okay?"

"Jace. I saw him again following me." just by speaking his name causes Clary pain. All the longing she didn't knew she felt all came to her along with her memories. She now remembers every mission, every event and everyone from the Shadow world. And that includes her love for Jace.
"Magnus, I want to hug him. So bad."

"Biscuit, I know. But until we are sure what's the Angels' decision about you, you cannot risk again engaging with any of them. Coming to me is risky enough, maybe the Angels just let this slide since I am a Downworlder but with the Shadowhunters, it's a different story." Clary sighed. They're both thankful that Clary is back but he advised the then-Nephilim that it is the best if Clary would stay away first from the Shadowhunters or any business with them and keep pretending she still doesn't see anyone or anything from the Shadow world.
"I need to go. I think Alec's finished taking a shower."

"Thank you, Magnus. I hope to see you soon." after dropping the call, Clary pulled herself together. It's becoming hard every single day to pretend but she needs to. Not, maybe, until the Angel sends another sign that she was already forgiven.


While going back to her school, Clary didn't see Jace anymore. And honestly she's thankful she didn't see him. At least she can clear her head during their art exhibit.

It was a bit chaotic. Guests are everywhere. They're all trying to entertain them by telling the visitors a little about their artworks.

Simon would've been proud. Clary thought. Simon's been her number one supporter aside from her mother, Dot, and Luke. She can clearly remember the day she got accepted in Brooklyn Arts, Simon was ready to throw a hand when he thought Clary failed but then, he was the very first person who celebrated her success.

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