Part 10

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Mays view:
I was home and my parents were fighting again. My dad screamed at my mom and I was scared because I never saw him that angry. I went to my mom to defend her but my dad was so angry that he slapped me. I started crying and screamed.

I just got my keys and went outside. I ran to Tobys house and used the keys he gave me to enter. I went into Tobys room and fell on the ground. I was crying so much that I was barely able to breath. After I calmed down I went to the kitchen to get me something to drink. I grabbed myself a bottle of water and went into the room again. I sat myself on the bed.
I still was crying when I heard someone entering the house. It was Toby, when he saw me crying he immediately hugged me. ,,Hey, hey what's wrong kitty. Stop crying what happened." He asked me. I looked at him and tried to explain what happened. ,, Ugh m- my parents were fighting and I wanted to defend my mum and then my dad slapped me. I don't want to go home. Can I stay here please?" I begged. ,,Of course my love. I'll go to your home and pack some of your stuff. And after that I will cook something for us and you'll stay here for a few days." He said with a soft voice. I hugged him ,,Thank u."

He drove to my home and I took a shower. I put on a bathrobe and brushed my hair. I laid myself in his bed and turned on the TV. I was happy when I heard the door. ,,I got a lot of sweatpants, thongs and bras so you can stay here as long as you want." I smiled at him and made room for him in the bed. ,,You look very beautiful with wet hair and without make up kitty." I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep.

I woke up because of Toby he gave me a plate full of food. He made pancakes  with chocolate syrup and a cup of tea. ,,I hope you feel better soon." He lifted his hand to grab something above my head but I was frightened. ,,Oh baby I am so sorry. Is that all because of your dad." He asked me. I was to afraid to answer. ,,What's wrong sweetheart. You know you can talk about everything with me." He said with a worried voice. ,,It was my ex boyfriend. He slapped me everytime I did something wrong." I told him.
He hugged me tightly. I started crying again and I felt safe. I finally felt safe with somebody.
We ate our pancakes and watched a Disney film.
After 4 hours it rang at the door. Toby stood up and opened the door. Ida came in with some alcohol. ,,Hey honey." Ida said and hugged me ,,I heard that you don't feel so well so I came over."
We drank a few shots and sang karaoke. We all had fun and laughed a lot. For one moment I forgot all of my problems and my past.

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