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You checked the time on your phone as the opening of Naruto played on your computer.

2:40 AM

You groaned and rolled over, rubbing your eyes.

Ok, just this episode and then I'll go to sleep.

You looked up at the ceiling. Arms resting at your side. The electric yellow paint was starting to crack and chip on the corners. You frowned a bit.

I have school tomorrow and I just don't feel like going. I wish I could just stay home.

You closed your eyes to let them rest a bit. Your eyes stung a bit as you closed them. Your eyes were dry from being up so late. Closing them gave you a bit of relief from the dryness.

The bed felt hard. It was uncomfortable so you turned and repositioned yourself.


The bed felt hard?

You opened your eyes and lifted your upper body with your arms.

You were on the ground. Not in your bed anymore.

You felt around the ground looking for your phone. You didn't quite process that you weren't home anymore and expected that your phone would be beside you.

You continued looking around. You lay there, in front of a building and on the other side there was a tree with a wooden swing attached to it.


I'm in Naruto

Wait- I might just be dreaming. But this feels real. I could feel the texture of the dirt under my hands and I feel kinda cold too!

You decided that you were going to do the pinch test to see if you were dreaming. Like in movies, shows and books. When something the characters couldn't believe happened, the characters would pinch themselves or ask someone to pinch them. If they felt the pain of the pinch it in fact would confirm that what was going on was real.

Sitting up, you lifted your hand near your cheek and. Pinch. Ouch.

I shouldn't have pinched myself so hard.

A huge smile lit up in your face.

Omg. I'm actually in Naruto. I've only ever read about going to a different world in fanfictions and webtoons.

You looked up at the sky. It was dark, but there was still enough light that you could see around without a problem. You couldn't tell if the sun was going up or down. Was it morning or was it or was it going to be night?

You waved that thought away and walked over to the swing. You traced a rope of the swing with your index finger.

Ah, Naruto's swing. I'll be his friend while I'm here and he'll be mine.

At school you did have people to talk to and hangout with, but they weren't friends. You could tell they would only talk to you because they had no friends in a class and you were there, someone they saw as a pet.

You ran your hand on the wooden seat of the swing.

You hated how you let people walk all over you. You wanted to be able to stand up and say something, but you were too afraid. Too stupid. Chicken. Dumbass.

Ouch. A splinter placed itself on your palm.

Stupid friggin splinter.

You tried picking it out with your long nails. However you only made the splinter go deeper under your skin.

You gave up.

A warm streak ran down your left cheek.

A tear came out.

You rubbed your arm on your face.

You gently swung yourself on the swing. A gentle breeze drying the trail the tear left. You took a deep breath in.

You swung yourself for a while just looking at the patchy green grass on the floor. The sun was up.

Guess it was morning.

You placed the heels of your feet on the ground, stopping the swing. It was morning and you were cold.

I'll just my sweater from my closet-

Oh, I forgot, I'm not home.

You're in Naruto.

Your eyes went big.

What is going to happen to me? I just popped out of nowhere and I don't have a place to live. I don't have anything other than the clothes on me. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY WHEN SOMEONE FINDS ME?

You started freaking out a bit and frantically looked around as if you could find something or someone that could help you.


Someone could help you. That someone is Naruto. He would probably be happy to help and make a new friend too.

How will you find Naruto?

You now know someone that could help you, but you don't know where to find him. You have seen episodes of where he lives, but that wouldn't help because now that you're in Naruto everything looks different. You would get lost and bump into someone that might not take kindly to someone that isn't part of their village and is in their village.

Will people think I'm a spy and kill me? Anything could happen.

You started chewing on your thumb nail. You were looking down at the patchy grass, thinking of what could happen, what could go wrong.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

You heard footsteps. Someone was stomping towards you. You clenched your teeth. Your hands turned into fists. You were too afraid to look up. You didn't want to look up.

The stomping is now coming closer and closer. The stomping stopped. You felt the presence of someone in front of you. You could tell they were glaring at you. You tightly closed your eyes.


Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now