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Lady Tsunade sighed and rubbed her forehead with her index finger. "Listen, kid, I told you to come when you feel rested, not the very next day."

You were standing in front of the Hokage's office door. It was 6 in the morning, the sun was still not out.

"I do feel well-rested, so don't worry." You gave her a shy smile and tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear.

"Alright, come with me."

You stepped aside, trailing behind her.

The smell of fresh air and water greeted you as you entered. Your steps echoed on the concrete floor as Tsundae led you to a concrete table that had a scroll unraveled on it. You looked at the body of water that started at the end of the concrete floor. Around 5 feet deep from the floor to the water surface.

You held onto one of the many pillars that held the building at the edge of the floor to get a better look.

You saw rippled and turned to face the source.

Tsunade was walking on the water and caught a trout. She got back on the floor and placed the fish in the middle of the scrolls on the table. She then smacked it and the trout went still. Like it was dead. You knew she just made the fish unconscious, so it wouldn't jump back into the water or floor.

Shaking one hand to shake off water droplets she sat down at the edge of the floor. She pats the space next to her.

You sat next to her.

"I'll just teach you the basics and then you'll be under the supervision of Shizune."

Of course, the best medical ninja wouldn't be able to teach me personally. She must be very busy.

"She knows almost everything I do, so you're in good hands."

She most likely saw the disappointed look on your face. She wanted to assure you that learning under Shizune was going to be pretty much the same thing as learning under her wing.

"Alright," she stood up. "I think the fish should be dead by now."

Wouldn't it have been faster to just kill the fish herself instead of waiting for it to die from being out of the water?

Almost as if she could read your mind. "If I would've killed it then it would have injuries to hard to heal for someone that is just starting to learn."

"Get in front of the fish and put your hands over it, even though you have only the kind of chakra for healing doesn't really mean that you could do healing if it's not in you."

You placed your hands on the fish.

Lady Tsunade tapped her foot. "Over not on, try to heal and if nothing comes out then you weren't made for healing."

You fixed your hand placement. With healing, you could be really helpful. You tightened your eyes closed as you didn't feel anything happen. The seconds dragged painfully slow by.

"Just cause you have the chakra doesn't mean you can do it."

"Alright, I think that's enough..."

Your hands and the fish were illuminated by a faint green glow. As you kept healing the glow got stronger.

The fish looked up at you as if to say thank you, and then flopped back into the water.

"Looks like you had it in you," Tsunade placed a hand on your shoulders.

Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now