father Lee

158 8 4

You were home now. You and Lee were prepared for the baby, you had a crib set up next to yours and Lee's bed, so the baby could be safe. You and Lee had many pamphlets and books on babies and got the doctors instructions too on how to care for the baby. 

You held the baby as you lay on the bed. You needed to recover after the pregnancy, postpartum for a month. 

Lee made porridge for you, something light you could eat. After that he placed a chair at the edge of the bed and watched you and the baby, silently. 

"If you or the baby needs anything tell me right away" Lee said. 


"Yes!" He instantly stood up and went to your side. You grabbed his arm and pulled him onto the bed. 

"Lay down and hold the baby with me," he laid down and next to you and Metal was in between the both of you. 

He caressed Metals face gently, like he was made of thin glass and any small of pressure would crack his face and shatter it into a million tiny pieces. His thick dark eyebrows went downwards and his mouth curved down. He scrunched his face.

"He's our baby..." he whispered, as tears streamed down his face. Your eyes started to sting and you were now crying too.

"Yes, he's our baby," you whispered back as you leaned in to hug him. The both of you lay, crying of happiness. The baby in both Lee's and your arms. 


"Wake...Y/N," you were being softly shaken.

"Metal is crying what do I do?" Lee nervously said.  You sat up and checked if Metal needed a diaper change. No. 

"He's hungry, go get formula and a baby bottle."

Lee darted out the room. You heard the clatter of things that fell and heard the cabinet doors fly open. He quickly came back and placed everything in front of you. 

"Watch and learn," you said as you started making the formula milk and fed the baby. "See, it's pretty simple to feed Metal." After Metal was done drinking the formula, you burped him and placed him in the crib to sleep. You saw the relief on Lee's face when the baby was ok now.

"Lee don't panic so much, Metal is a healthy boy." 

Lee sat down next to you on the bed and gave you a kiss. "Sorry," Lee smiled. 

You began to get up, but Lee placed his hands on your shoulders to keep you down on the bed.

"Where do you think you're going?" "Breakfast," you moved his arms away.

"Not so fast, the doctor said you need to rest and you also need a month to rest for postpartum."

"Lee it's okay, I'm not going to be doing anything too hard."

"No, I'll be the one to make breakfast." Lee was determined.

You sat down at the kitchen table and watched as Lee made pancakes, eggs and bacon for you and him to eat. 

He sat down and passed you your plate. 

"Wahh, Wahh!"

You quickly got up and picked up Metal. You checked if he soiled himself, nope. Is he hungry? He slapped the bottle away when you tried feeding him. You rocked him in your arms to calm him down, but he wouldn't stop crying.

"Wahh, Wahh, Wahhhh!" 

Lee was worried. "What if the baby is sick?" "No, I doubt it." 

Lee was pacing around the room while you rocked the baby to calm him down. After 5 minutes Metal stopped crying and you placed him down on the crib. 


You picked Metal up and he stopped crying. Guess he doesn't want to be left. 

You and Lee took turns carrying the baby. Lee stopped feeling nervous about the baby and was more confident. 

He sang to the baby and even though Metal didn't make any facial expression, you felt like Metal liked it.

You and Lee both sang to the baby.

Parenting was hard, many months working on little sleep. When Lee would go to work it would be difficult to multitask, carrying the baby, doing chores and making food. You were a stay at home parent, you took care of Metal while Lee would go to work. 

Lee was a great and loving father, he was very attentive and took great care of the baby when he was home.

Naruto - reader x Rock Lee (Gender neutral)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя