"I said that outloud didn't I?" (fluff)

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"God *they're* so cute."
"I said that outloud didn't I?"


Every week he went to the same place.
Same day, same time, same order. Even the same spot.

But today, something wasn't the same.

Someone new was there.

Brown hair, and cute clothes.
He seemed to have his ears pierced and was sporting some simple silver rings along with cream and coffee colored polish on his nails.

He was looking for quite a while at the smaller man sitting on his favorite couch in the corner reading a book.

Eventually he realized he was being called up to order and his eyes were forced away.


Once his usual was placed, (large iced coffee with 2 tablespoons of sugar and heavy cream.) He slowly started to wonder over towards where he usually sat.

When he was maybe 2 feet away, he heard an order being called.

"Large iced coffee with 2 tablespoons of sugar and heavy cream for George?"

The brunette quickly bookmarked his page and was up to grab his order.

Clay was pretty surprised.
They had the exact same order.
The cute guy from earlier walked past him hastily to get to the counter.

A still surprised blonde walked over to the couch opposite of a book, bag, and sketchbook that were laid out on his usual spot.

He went to place his own bag and water bottle down on the table in between, but stopped whe he saw the numerous other things sprawled about ALL over the table.

He saw lots of markers, pens, pencils, and other art supplies covering the surface. He opted to set his bag on the floor, and just hold his water for now.

George was back over when he had settled in to the new spot nicely.
He grabbed the notebook and pen from his bag before looking up to see the other sit down.

They made eye contact for a brief second before the brunette looked down to the mess on the table, and then back to Clay. Drink in hand, bag on the floor, and his mess one again unmoving on the flat surface.

His glance shifted to Clay again, (whose eyes hadn't moved in the slightest), and his blank expression changed. Almost immediately, George started speaking,

"Oh god, I'm so so sorry I left all of this out! You don't have room for your stuff..." He apologized quickly before looking up with a slightly pinker appearance.

There eye contact remained much longer this time.
10 seconds to look at someone so beautiful.

"God he's so cute."
Then the dirty blonde realised what just happened.
"I said that out loud didn't I?"

Clay's face went bright red.
Embarrassment flushing from his nose to his ears.

"Oh. Oh god, I'm sorry!.. That's really weird isn't it?"

The boy cocked his head at him,
"I mean kind of, but the compliment was rather sweet."

Oh my god. His ACCENT.
He is so cute!

Clay got lost hearing this cute British boy talk to him and was soon startled to hear his order being called,

"Large iced coffee with 2 tablespoons of sugar and heavy cream for Clay?"

He looked from George to the counter and quickly got up to grab his drink.
Once he came back to sit, he realised the table had been cleared of the art supplies, and the other was sitting quietly waiting for him.

"So your name is Clay?"
The Brit finally asked.

"Yeah. Your's is George?"


"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. But I do have a question?"
The dirty blonde very briefly glanced at the menu on the wall.


"Do we have the same order?"

"Yeah. I noticed earlier."

"Huh. That's quite the coincidence."

"Yup. I have a question for you too."

"What is it?"

Clay thought it was now or never.

"Can I get your number?"


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