Hold Him While You Can (fluff) [5 -11k SPECIAL]

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I know all my specials are late, I fr can't keep up with yall, thank you so much😭


Band AU/ boyfriends flannel prompt
OG Song: Hold Her While You Can by Stephen Sanchez

Clay was always nervous before his shows. Singing in front of a crowd has got to be stressful, can you blame him?

George however was used to calming his boyfriend down when he was anxious. He may not be good at expressing his own emotions, but he's good at dealing with others. What he found helps the most is going on walks at their favorite park before every one of his performances. They talk things out and the blonde always feels more stable afterward.

This was his first winter show of the year. At this point the weather was much colder than usual, even for Florida, therefore their walk was colder than usual. Somehow a man from London was not prepared for the cold weather of the season and didn't bring any form of jacket to go over his t-shirt. The taller went to reach for his hand while they were talking only to realise that it was ice cold. He cut the man off immediately,

"George are you cold?" He stopped walking to ask out of pure concern.

"Only a little bit, it's not too bad out here."

"Absolutely not, you will never be 'a little bit cold' on my watch." He put up air quotes to express his emotion at the man's actions (along with making a ridiculous face to prove his point)

He dropped his boyfriend's hand and began pulling off his flannel to reveal a white long-sleeved shirt underneath. The brunette tried to stop him, but to no avail.

He extended his favorite black and white flannel out to him with one arm. George knew they wouldn't move an inch if he didn't except it, so without any further words it was over his shoulders. It was longer then any of the flannels he owns in the back and the sleeves, but that's to be expected with Clay being taller than him.

They finally reconnected hands and continued their walk. As the sun started setting they grew closer and closer to the end of their usual loop around the property.

The entrance came into vision quickly, their walking slowed almost in sync as they saw it. Clay squeezed his boyfriend's hand and they paused for a moment. He just admired the nature around them. Although mostly gray and brown by now, it was still bustling with life.

"I love you okay? You'll do great tonight, you always do"

George looked up at the taller man, both with red faces bitten from the weather.

"I don't know what I'd do without you George. I really don't."

He smiled up at his boyfriend, face seemingly redder.

"I have your Christmas gift if you want it?"

The brunette nodded and looked at the other expectantly. Clay reached into his pocket to pull out a light blue envelope.

He handed to to the man before quickly walking behind him. The shorter didn't realise he'd moved, too focused on opening and reading the letter.

While he was reading the blonde had to take a deep breath, releasing the air he didn't know he was holding in his lungs. He pulled a small flat box from his jean pocket before getting down on one knee. He had to keep taking deep breaths to not completely lose his shit.

George finished it slightly teary-eyed only to look up and find himself seemingly alone. He instantly turned around to look for his soon to be more than boyfriend, and there he was.

"Will you marry me?"

He opened the box to reveal two silver bands, one slightly larger than the other. The larger of the two had black diamonds encrusted the whole way around. The smaller had a bigger diamond in the middle and ornate engravings leading the whole way around, tiny black diamonds accenting the lines perfectly.

He stood in stunned silence for only a moment before wrapping his arms tightly around the man's neck,

"Yes! Oh my god yes"

Clay put the smaller ring on his finger and the brunette placed the larger on his.

They shared a peck on the lips before walking back to the car in stunned silence, hand in hand. Neither could stop smiling. The blonde was now newly engaged and ready for his show.


Nearly done with his performance at a local music hall, Clay's body was pumped with adrenaline. The getting out on stage and getting started was the worst part, once he was there it didn't seem too bad. After taking a couple minutes to give his hands a break from the guitar and just to talk to the audience, he was ready to pick back up again.

"Now that I'm getting into my last song of the night I have a few things I wanna say."

He couldn't help but search for his fiance in the audience. The minute he saw those eyes he knew this was the best day of his life.

"Today really has been the greatest day of my life. My first show of the winter season, and I've been lucky enough to be surrounded by the best people in my life. One of them is here tonight, and to him I dedicate my new song."

He was grinning ear to ear by the time he finished his little rant, he started strumming his guitar before he finished.

"George, this is for you"

"I put the creases in his shoes, he put the crinkle in my nose. I'll have wrinkles when I'm young. From all the laughing I suppose."

"And I'll hold your heart forever, long after I propose. Oh~"

The brunettes eyes watered more and more the further they got into the song. Hearing the chorus made him remember how happy he truly was with Clay. He didn't think he'd every be this lucky.

"Hold him while you can, cause someday you won't get the chance. Cherish every moment and all the time you spend."

"Cause this life will all be over, and my love for you won't end. So I'll hold him while I can. Till the one day I get the chance, again"


"It's hard to think that was only a year ago, I feel like I've been that in love with him my whole life. But now that we're  married, I convinced George to come up here and play guitar for his song. It took a lot of convincing, but here he is. This is the newest cover of my favorite song Hold Him While You Can."

The audience clapped and laughed and sung right along to the lyrics of what was originally an engagement announcement. Now happily married, Clay and his lovely husband played it together. Both of them knew that their happily ever after had really come true.

Neither would care to admit it in front of so many people, but they knew this was the best version of life they'd ever live.


Yeah, I did start writing it in December okay?? I just had no motivation to finish it. It's been a hard couple months, but I am so happy to get this out. Thank you guys for never ending support, I hope you enjoy this one. Love you loads <333

OG Song link on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7D7CBnyCYkylr79Cp5TSlv?si=lZ_tdz63REmyI89PvgsfwQ.

(Stephen Sanchez is so amazing, please listen to the OG song because I could not include enough of it😭)

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