you're so beautiful, (P2 of till' I'm sure your okay)💜

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Prompt: Scar praise

Fluffy angst
WARNING: There is kissing towards the end of this chapter, but it is still SFW



Clay had just gotten out of the shower.

The hike was a while ago now.
The gash on his arm had healed well and was now starting to form a scar.

Looking in the mirror, the dirty blonde had realized just how many scars he actually had.

They covered his back, chest, arms, and legs.

The most notable one on the side of his face. It went from his cheek bone, to the center of his cheeks.

I guess I never realized they were this bad.

He wasn't necessarily bad looking.
He was decently built. Not "super buff" or anything.

Yet that didn't matter.

Before he realized, he was sinking.

Am I really that much of a klutz?

How have I gotten this many scars?..I'm 22.

That's weird isn't it. Literally no one has scars this bad.

The door creaked open without him realizing.

"Damn.." he whispered underneath his breath


Oh no

He turned his head quickly towards the door

"What are you doing? I heard you get out of the shower 15 minutes ago."

"Oh. I- I was just,"
Damn it, Clay quit stumbling over your words

"I was just-"

"Sweetheart, are you okay?"


"Oh I'm sorry, do you not like that?"

"No! No, I really like it. It just surprised me.."

"Okay. Well are you alright then sweetheart?"

"-I" he paused,

"Clay it's alright. Just take your time." The brunette started walking closer.

"I don't know..."

George and Clay now stood next to each other in the mirror, the smaller's hand resting on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"That's okay. Do you think you could try explaining what your thinking to me right now?"

He sighed, "I'll try"

"Okay. Take your time."

After a minute or so of the man collecting his thoughts, he started to talk George through his insecurities. How it was always resting in the back of his mind.

"I know it's ridiculous" the dirty blonde sadly laughed, tears threatening to spill.

George grabbed his face, forcing him to look at the smaller.

He gently wiped a stray tear from his boyfriend's eye, and started talking.

"It's not ridiculous Clay. Feelings like that are normal. I'm sorry you thought that way and I never knew.''

He let his thumb wander to the scar on the tallers cheek.

"Where did you get this one?" He asked quietly.

"Skateboarding accident in highschool."


George slowly pulled away from Clay, just to push himself up onto the counter and move his hands back

"What are you doin-" Clay tried, but got interrupted by his boyfriend kissing him.

He kissed back, moving his hands to the smaller's waist.
George pulled away 1st.

"How would you feel about me leading?"

Though confused, Clay shook his head 'yes', allowing the man to kiss him again.

George leaned in, going right to his cheek.

He slowly kissed the center of the scar with an open mouth, and made his way up Clay's cheek bone.

Now that he was closer to the boys ear, he whispered,

"Your so beautiful Clay~"

His face went pink.

George went back to the scar,
He started slowly kissing his way back down towards his neck, occasionally pulling away to look for scars or marks in the area.

Only finding one prominent one, he leaned in to kiss it with a little more teeth, starting to suck on the area. Clay let out a small grunt in reaction.

"Does that feel okay?" The leading man asked sweetly,

"Yes~" Clay half moaned.

George gladly dove back in.
He started kissing his neck again.
He had continued leaving sloppy, oh so warm kisses to get to his collar bone.

Seeing more scars around this area, he slid his hands to the boys back and hopped off the counter to get lower.

Clay's arms now somewhat pinned George to the counter, but neither seemed to care or notice.

George continued to smother his boyfriend with kisses and lustfilled compliments.

Clay's neck and chest were rather bruised, but he didn't seem to care, and neither did the other as he continued to mark him ruthlessly.

Now, George had finally gotten to the scar from their hiking trip.

He looked at it, slowly tracing his finger around the shape before kissing it gently.

He kissed it several more times before looking up at his red faced boyfriend.

"Clay, you are one of the best people I know. You are caring, and sweet, and so so loving. When you need me, I'll be there. You don't need to hide anything from me. I'll never love you any less because of insecurity okay?"


They kissed lovingly on the lips one last time, before Clay finished getting dressed. He put on sweatpants and an old t-shirt and George got one of his hoodies from the closet.

They curled up on the couch for the rest of the afternoon just sharing sweet kisses and words.

All they needed was each other. They knew that now.


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