star gazing (fluff) [2K - 3K SPECIAL]

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Okay, maybe it's not the "friendliest" thing to do. Stargazing in candle light holding hands does sound pretty romantic.

2 teenage boys were just too dumb to realise that.


They drug their phones, a blanket, a candle, and a box  of matches towards Clay's backyard. The same grass they had played in as kids and snuck out through as teenagers.

They settled everything in and George lit the candle, the blonde had always refused to use matches. It was set at the edge of the blanket and the two laid back comfortably, music playing from one of their phones. The sky wasn't very clear that night.

Silence surrounded them for a brief moment before Clay reached his hand out, they instantly interlocked fingers.

"Shame we can't really see the stars tonight"

"Yeah it is."

Silence continued once again.

"You wanna ask random questions?" Their go-to when there was nothing much else to say.

He squeezed George's hand a bit harder.

"Of course"

And on the night went.


They could go on for hours like that. George kept a list of random ones he thought of in his phone, Clay just tried making them up on the spot and eventually resorted to searching on the internet. At some point during their gaps between questions it started to drizzle.

The boys felt the drops hit their skin instantly. And as much as the smaller tried to say they should go inside, his counterpart resisted.

"A little rain won't kill you. If it gets bad we can go inside, right now it's not bad"

He had no comeback for that.

And there they stayed. Music continued to hum in the silence they were yet to fill. Several songs cycling through before more words were uttered.

"Should we go back to those questions?" George finally asked.

"I'll look some up, I don't have any ideas" Clay replied, that much wasn't new by now. He always ended up forgetting his questions.

"Okay, these ones look intresting. Pick a number one through eighteen."


"The first pet you remember having"

He paused for a moment to think,

"A guinea pig named Teddy. My sister absolutely adored him, all I really remember of him was when he died. It totally broke her heart"

George had a light smile on his face. Though there wasn't much to look at in the sky, he had a good focus on it. The blonde couldn't help but notice how pretty he was with that far out look in his eyes.

"What was yours?"

Clay took a second to realize the brunette was asking him a question.

"Oh, it was a dog. My grandparents dog Mandy. She wasn't technically ours but because my grandparents lived across from us we went there all the time. It felt like she was ours to me"

"That's sweet."

He looked over at the other boy for one more second before asking again,

"Pick a new number"

"How about eighteen?"

"Oooh, make a confession."

George deadpaned. Was this the sign Wilbur had been telling him about? The moment it's "all supposed to come down to"?  THE moment. He couldn't help but take a big gulp of air.

"You okay?"

He couldn't bare to look at the boy next to him.

"Yeah, I just need a minute."

"We really don't have to do this one if you don't want to" Clay almost looked sad for him.

"No its okay, really. I think its time you know"

The blonde squeezed his hand to reassure him, yet somehow he'd never felt more uneasy.


Rain continued falling at the same slow pace. It had been atleast five minutes, the boy layed there just as nervous as before. He took a deep breath and started the best way he knew how.

"Clay I'm really scared" His voice cracked with emotion, he was on the verge of tears already.

"Why are you scared?"

"I think you're going to hate me"

"George trust me, nothing you could ever do would make me hate you. Nothing."

The boy sat there in silence.

"You don't know that, do you?"

That's all his brain could spit out.

He took a deep breath. There was no more reason to wait at that point.

"I tell all my friends I love them. I'm sure you know that, I said it to Will on the phone tonight." His eyes shifted constantly, they almost seemed as nervous as he was.

"Yeah?" The other boy seemed confused.

"I've never said it to you out of fear it will mean too much or not enough."

The instant the words left his mouth the tears really started. He couldn't say anymore even when he tried.

He rolled his head away from his best friend. His BEST friend. Was this a huge mistake? He was already sure it was, Clay hadn't said anything.

"When I talked to Wilbur about this he told me at some point I might just have to settle for friends, I can learn to do that. I'd understand if that's what you want" He rushed through the sentences so fast they were barely decipherable.

But the brunette had never before sounded so broken, tears fell and fell down his face. There was nothing he could do to make them stop.

Then his hand was squeezed, just a little.
Sudden reassurance washed over him, his eyes flow had slowed in an instant. Without thinking his head shifted back to the boy next to him.

Clay took a deep breath. Seconds never felt like an eternity till now.

"You should hear my heart right now"

George's voice was barely even a whisper when he finally mustered up the courage to speak


Their eyes locked. He had never been so happy to see something that made him so miserably anxious.

"I don't want you to settle George. I want you to be you"

The blonde had started crying too.

"I want you to be mine"

And god was that all they both ever wanted. The shorter boy dove into the love of his life's arms, all was finally well in the world.

They had eachother.


At that point it was well passed midnight. They stayed exactly where they were. George continuesly listened to his now boyfriends quick paced heartbeat. It didn't slow down at all.

True love was real for those two.
The memories of that night lasted a million lifetimes.


WOW, it has been a hot minute. And when I say hot I mean molten lava hot. In the literal week I spent writing this I went from 3 to 4k reads, I cannot thank you all enough. This literally means the world to me. Writing is finally becoming a healthy outlet for me, I hope that I can start updating more regularly :)

Besides all this so much has changed for me aswell. I have a Twitter if you wanna follow it, @frickyouapple on there aswell.

Thank you all for your never ending support, it really has made a huge difference for me. I hope to write to you again soon :D

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