Sex, Drugs, Etc. (fluff/lime)

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Hey yall💀
It's been a Lil minute. That's my bad, lots happened. Life yknow. Debating taking one of these stories down but wouldn't want to do that because I know people still read it

Trigger warnings:
Mentions and usage of cigarettes
Mentions of drugs
Mentions and use of alcohol

NO I am absolutely not promoting use of smoking or drugs. I just kinda went with the vibes of the story.
Don't smoke kids👍


In a room crowded with smoke and strange faces, one doesn't seem so strange after all.


College parties aren't as "romantic" as people can make them out to be. It's a stuffy room full of cigarette smoke, drunk kids, and god knows what other kinds of substances with some bad music playing in the background. That was George's entire opinion on college parties as of his senior year.

After taking two years off to travel after high school, he experienced more of the world than almost all of the people in this room would experience their entire lives. Which lead to his astute (and sober) observation that these parties fucking sucked. However, with it being the end of his final semester at this dumpy college one of friends drug him to his final dorm party.

After Wilbur abandoned him for some guy he called "Quackity", the brunette tracked down the alcohol and mixed himself a drink. The only way to get through this was to be at least a little drunk. After downing it and pouring two more to take with him, George found a comfortable spot in a corner and scrolled through ever app possible on his phone. After about an hour, the cups were empty and the stuffiness and shitty music was getting on his nerves.

Taking a brief moment to scan around what he could see of the room, there was a glass door leading to what looked like a balcony. After dodging and moving around every person possible, he finally made it out the door. Upon feeling the chill outside, he started to sober up. Then he spotted a dirty blonde smoking a cigarette and looking at his phone to the left of him. Upon hearing the door open, he turned his head around to see the cause of the noise. After making eye contact with the stranger, George began to speak.

"Oh sorry, I didn't realise someone else would be out here. I can go back insid-"

"You can stay out here, I don't mind if you don't mind me smoking"

The brunette took a moment to really look at the man standing in front of him. Tall, sharp jawline, voice that sounds like heaven on Earth, and good taste in clothes. He definitely didn't mind

"No, I don't mind at all" He said taking a few steps towards the railing of the balcony, leaning on it just like the other man.

"I'm George"

"Clay, nice to meet you George"


Maybe he wasn't as sober as he thought he was, the cold can only do so much. His red cheeks and slightly shakey hands were telling him that was correct. Leaning right next to the guy that was significantly taller than him wasn't helping either. With his head a little foggy and confidence higher than usual, he had no trouble sparking up a conversation with Clay. After finding out the other man was also a senior, the obvious topic of life after college came up.

"So you major in film making?" The blonde asked after taking a drag from his cigarette yet again

"Yeah, my friend Will is too. He had some connections and got me a job in the area that starts almost right after I graduate. So for now atleast, I'm pretty set"

"That's cool, it's good you've got something figured out." The man then snuffed out his cigarette in the ash tray next to him before pulling the pack from his pocket. After pulling one out for himself, he offered it to George

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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