i can explain (fluff)

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Prompt listed above*


Clay suffered from terrible insomnia. For someone who used the alias "Dream" it was kinda funny to think that was something he frequently struggled to do.

After tossing and turning for literal hours in his bed and not being able to fall asleep, (despite the fact he was exhausted), he made the choice to get himself a cup of tea to try and relax.

Though it was indeed 2 am, he stumbled out of his bed and towards the kitchen when he heard something.

Is that someone breathing?

In his delirious state he brushed it off and walked straight towards the kitchen without a 2nd thought. When he got closer though, he heard something else.

It was small, and he knew very well that in this state he could have imagined it, but he couldn't quite shake the feeling.

After hearing a pretty loud sigh he was sure his suspicions were correct.

Someone had broken into his apartment.


Now rather weary, Clay approached the kitchen. To his surprise, someone a head or more smaller than him had taken a seat on his kitchen floor.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked rather calmly for the situation they were in.

The smaller boy looked up at him obviously dumb founded.

"I can explain", the boy said with his mouthful. Clay only now realised that he had a large jar of Nutella in his hands, and was eating it with a spoon.

Then there was silence between them. Clay now saw a bloody nose and busted lip too.

"No I can't..." The smaller said a little quieter,

"Is that my spoon?" Clay had asked shortly after.

"Yeah? Why else do you think I'm here?" He chuckled.

Clay stood silently for a minute.

"You seriously broke into my apartment for a spoon? It's 2 am dude."

"Yeah? I needed a spoon and figured this apartment would have one. What are you doing up at this hour?"

"I've got insomnia." Clay responded honestly, finally stepping further into the kitchen and towards his cabinets.

"Oh that sucks."


Clay grabbed himself a mug and an old tea kettle from the cabinets.

He turned back to look at the stranger and they just stared at each other for a while before looking away.

"Whats your name?" Clay had asked.

"George. What's yours?" He questioned in return, taking another spoon of Nutella

"Clay. You want a cup of tea?" The dirty blonde put his kettle on the stove and filled it with water.

"Sure. What kind are you making?" George asked, getting up from his place on the floor.

"Chamomile with peppermint." He quietly said, putting 2 tea bags into the pot

"That sounds good"


The tea had just been poured into 2 mugs, and Clay went to stand next to George after handing it to him.

"What happened to your face?" Clay asked, sliding to the floor with his mug in hand

"Long story..." the brunette boy whispered, taking a seat next to the other on the ground.

"Hm." Clay briefly hummed.

"Y'know I'm already kind of glad I met you." The dirty blonde turned his head to the smaller,

"It's kinda nice to have someone around, even with circumstances this strange."

"You really think that?" George asked in return.

"Yeah. You wanna stay the night? It's pretty late" He asked, taking a sip from his mug

"I mean sure, if your offering?"

"Yeah, you're more then welcome to stay."



"Quick question though?"


"Where did you get the Nutella?"

This is the start to quite an interesting relationship.


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