late night (fluff)💜

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Playlist is late night by MLP on Spotify

(This is what they were listening to in the story)


"I forgot I had this playlist" Clay mumbled sleepily, the clock approaching 4 am.

"Can I play it for you?" He asked shortly after.

George shook his head "yes" from next to him and slightly sat up.

Clay hit shuffle and heard an intro he hadn't heard in quite a while.

Stuck on the Puzzle by Alex Turner

George lightly smiled next to him,

"I don't think I've ever heard this before"



Clay abruptly stood up and reached his hand out towards the boy that was still sitting.

George in his delirious and tired state accepted the hand in front of him before asking any questions.

Once he was up, Clay pulled him in a little closer and put his hands on the brunette's waist. Out of instinc, George placed his hands on the others shoulders and laid his head onto his chest before asking questions.

"Why are we standing?" He finally asked, still keeping his head snug against Clay.

"I wanted to dance with you. This song makes me happy" He replied simply

That answer was good enough for George.

The dirty blonde started to lightly sway with the music, inviting George to follow him.
Both were soon in sync and listening to the sweet melody.

I'm not the kinda fool who's gonna sit and sing to you,

Clay sung along to the music,

About stars, boy

George looked up to meet the boys gaze. Though the room was dark and he couldn't really make out his face, he knew he was looking into his eyes. The music and the boy he loved continued.

But last night I looked up into the dark half of the blue,

George laid his head back down, wanting to be held as close as possible. The affection absolutely wasn't new for him, but moments like this one needed to be treasured.

And they'd gone backwards

When they happened, his heart really melted.

George looked up to the boy again,

Something in your magnetism, must have pissed them off

Clay looked down at him and slowly leaned to press their lips together

Their lips fit perfectly against each other. The boys kissed slowly in the darkness of their room, swaying back and forth and enjoying the beautiful music through the speaker connected to Clay's phone.

Forcing them to get an early night~

Their kiss stayed sweet and tender no matter how long it lasted. As much as it was due to lack of sleep, both of them knew it was perfect.

I have been searching from the bottom to the top,

Clay broke away and gently kissed George's forehead, then his eyes, nose, and cheeks, finally making it back to his lips.

For such a sight

He kissed him tenderly a 2nd time relaxing into the serine environment and the love that surrounded them both.

"I love you so much George" Clay whispered

"I love you too" George replied just as quiet.

"I don't know what I'd do without you"

The gentle swaying continued.

As the one I caught when I saw your fingers, dimming the lights
Like you're used to being told that your trouble.

They truly were meant for each other.
Almost like puzzle pieces.

And I spent all night, stuck on the puzzle


I found this song in the story 12 Seconds by esorwasfoundandtaken. It was such an amazing story, and I recommend you read it. Hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot :)

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