"just for a minute" (fluff)

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George was kinda well known by his friends for dressing a little questionably. Not in bad way really, but his clothes did occasionally land more on the scandalous side.

When he decided to go to the mall by himself in one of said "scandalous outfits", he attracted some very much unwanted attention.

A dirty blonde stranger might just be his savior.


He was wandering around the mall by himself. This wasn't out of the ordinary, and at that point he was used to getting the occasional mad stare for how he dressed.

Today he had definitely chose something a little bold.

With a black faux-leather one piece that stuck to his v-line and revealed the skin of his hips, tight light wash ripped jeans and black platform combat boots, he was bound to stick out a little.

You'd think the jeans might make it more modest, but with just how ripped they were and how much pale skin was really visible, they didn't really do the job.

He was used to getting weird stares and cat calls, but at some point someone was bound to make him draw the line.


He had just picked up coffee and walked away from a little drink place in the mall. He went to get on the escalator to the upper floor, and an older man had got on behind him.

They reached ground again, but when George went to walk away he was stopped by a hand on his waist.

"Hey pretty boy, you wanna come walk with me?" The old man behind him said.

George being utterly terrified and disgusted, knew he would need to think fast on his feet.

He took a quick second after freezing to look around. He saw a guy that looked a lot taller then him, standing around on his phone. He didn't seem to be doing anything important, so George jumped on the opportunity.

"I have a boyfriend" He said, shoving the man's hands away and power walking towards the guy he saw.

He wasn't far away from him when he decided to make a scene.

"Baby! I got your coffee." By luck, the other man heard him and turned his head.

George continued to walk towards him, and once close enough he started,

"There was a creepy old man that was touching me on the escalator. Please pretend you're dating me, just for a minute."

The taller man looked sympathetic for a moment, before focusing his attention on the brunette that walked up to him.

He gently took the coffee from his hand before interlocking their fingers. At this point the old man had caught up.

"Thanks love, I really needed it" He said sweetly before leaning down to kiss his hair.

George took the opportunity to slot himself into the dirty blonde's side, and stay there.

The old man looked confused for a moment before saying something.

"You take care a' that one blondy. He's real pretty" and hiccuped a little under his breath.

Now looking at the man better he seemed intoxicated by something, but George just couldn't tell what.

He walked a good distance away from them both before George finally stepped away.

"I assume the coffee's not actually for me?" The taller man laughed,

"Honestly, you can take it. I haven't drank out of it, and you definitely deserve it for what you've done for me." George smiled up at him, and finally realized just how pretty he was.

"Hey, don't worry about it" he said handing the cup back,

"I've got a younger sister, so it's not the first time I've stepped in for something like that."

George felt his face go a little pink.

"I really appreciate it. I wish people would just be more respectful though. What I wear shouldn't matter, but it definitely does." He rambled.

"But hey, if you are worried about paying me back I'd love to walk around the mall with you if you're still free?" The man asked smiling down at George.

"I'd really like that. On one condition though,"

"What's your condition?"

"You hold my hand while we walk so people leave me alone." He said confidently, honestly surprising himself with the straightforward-ness.

"I'd love that." He said reaching for the boys hand.

"I'm Clay by the way." He had said while their fingers intertwined.

"I'm George."


The 2 boys spent the rest of the day walking around the mall together. Their hands stayed together the whole time, and George didn't get bothered anymore.

When they finished exchanging phone numbers at the end of the night, George rolled up on his toes to kiss the man's cheek.

"Thanks again Clay"


Clothes are not confirmation.
Just because someone is wearing something revealing that they are comfortable in, doesn't give anyone the right to touch them.
If you ever see anyone uncomfortable and in a situation like this, I beg you to step in.

Hope you are all staying safe out there :)

(PS, I have a KarlNap book called "Daily Grind" up if you'd like to read it [: )

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