Chapter 2

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Yo Han looked at the other man sitting on the chair, his face pale and half covered with blood, his clothes covered with his own vomit. He stared a bit longer and then sighed feeling convinced that Ba Reum probably wasn't the killer. He stepped to side and went to get some scissors, Ba Reum watching his every move.

When Yo Ha approached Ba Reum he pretended not to notice the way the other man pulled back a bit, fear clear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was convinced you were the murderer." Yo Han said, when he had cut through the plastic hand cuffs. Ba Reum rubbed his wrists warily to alleviate the pain. His shoulders had become a bit stiff as well from sitting with his arms pulled back.

Ba Reum looked at Yo Han strangely, the apology took him by surprise. Everything that was happening was still confusing to him. Was Yo Han acting? Did he want to convince Ba Reum that he wasn't the killer, or wasn't Yo Han the killer for real?

This set-up seemed all a bit too elaborate, and what use would it be to only convince Ba Reum that Yo Han isn't the killer.

He glanced at the computer screen and the live movie, which was still playing, and quickly looked away. Perhaps they had been wrong, perhaps Yo Han was indeed not the killer.

The movie seemed to be genuinely a live-stream, and unless Yo Han worked in a team, which seeing the profile they made seemed very unlikely, he was clearly here with Ba Reum and thus not the killer.

Ba Reum shuddered a bit when he moved and felt the vomit seep further in his clothes, already cooling down. The smell was horrible and was making him nauseous once again. He still remembered the feeling of being restrained while the sickness had conquered him. It was an experience he didn't care to repeat anytime soon.

Yo Han seemed to notice Ba Reum's discomfort, and went to get him a towel and a big bottle of water.

"We don't have a bathroom here, but this should help you out. I'll get you some of my clothes." Yo Han said, pointing Ba Reum to a corner in the room, feeling secure enough that Ba Reum wouldn't run off.

And Ba Reum indeed didn't immediately feel the urge to get away. He was too curious about this situation, wanting to find out what the hell was going on.

Ba Reum gratefully took the bottle of water and the towel and went to stand in the corner and stripped of his sweater and shirt, shivering a bit in the cold, seeing that the room wasn't heated and they were midwinter.

He cleaned of as best as he could, glad that his clothes seemed to have protected him from the worst of the dirt.

When Yo Han returned with a bundle of clothes he thanked him while holding up the towel in front of his chest, feeling shy, making the other man raise an eyebrow.

Ba Reum's pants had unfortunately not been spared either and he quickly pulled them out, quickly putting on a shirt and then wiping his legs quickly with the cold water.

He quickly got dressed, pretending that he wasn't wearing another man's underwear. Their builds were similar, so the clothes fitted surprisingly well.

He rubbed his hands together, trying to get the heat back in and went to Yo Han, standing next to the other man awkwardly.

"So, I'm not the killer, and I guess you aren't either." Ba Reum started, "so, what is all this kidnapping about."

Yo Han looked him over for a minute, thinking, and then he sighed.

"Well, I thought that you were the murderer because of these." Yo Han said and handed him the files that he had gotten. Ba Reum frowned and took them, opening the folders and reading it through, his eyebrows going up more and more when he went further and further.

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