Chapter 20

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Yo Han looked at the detective pressed against the door in front of him and hung a bit back, trying to stay out of his reach. He was looking pale and trembling man in front of them as if he had just seen a ghost, and Yo Han got that sentiment.

But still, Yo Han didn't want to be in his reach when his mind finally was able to progress what or rather whom he was seeing. He didn't know the man very well, but Ba Reum said that he trusted Moo Chi with his life. He just hoped his friend wasn't deceived. He did seem to trust easily.

"We can explain." Ba Reum said, holding his hands up and slowly approaching the detective who was opening and closing his mouth, unable to make a sound come out.

"You, you, you are dead," he stuttered when Ba Reum approached him warily.

"It wasn't real. We had to pretend, otherwise someone might just have killed us." Ba Reum said, finally carefully putting his hand on the lower part of the arm of the older man. Moo Chi looked down at the hand on him, his eyes wide in disbelief. In a sudden movement he grabbed the hand on him tightly, holding his fingers at the wrist.

"You have a pulse. You are alive, truly?" he asked again. Ba Reum smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I am. And so is Yo Han." Ba Reum gestured to the man that was still standing at the far wall. Moo Chi looked up at the other man, as if he just noticed who was standing there. Yo Han just gave a nod, still thinking it saver to not approach.

Moo Chi kept on staring at Ba Reum and Yo Han, and Ba Reum was afraid that he had somehow broken the man.

"Are you still with us?" Ba Reum asked, but then he got the wind pressed out of his lungs when suddenly he was pressed closely in a bone crushing hug.

Ba Reum stood still, his arms pressed tightly to his side. This kind of affection felt a bit weird coming from Moo Chi, but seeing the circumstances, he could understand. He could hear a small sniffle followed by a quivering breath, but then Moo Chi let go and stared again at Ba Reum.

"What the fuck is going on." Moo Chi asked.

Dong Koo was sitting in the hospital next to Chi Kook, flipping through the channels. His mom had frowned at him again when he told her where he had been going. He knew she had been hopefull when he seemed to go less to Chi Kook.

Chi Kook knew that if she found out that it was because he was investigating more about Ba Reum, that she wouldn't approve. At least he knew that it was because she cared about him, unlike that awful woman who had birthed Ba Reum.

"But she was right when she said she wasn't his mother. I can't believe the horrible parents our Ba Reum came from." He complained loudly to Chi Kook, having told the whole story about what he had found out, always making sure that no nurses or doctors were near to overhear him.

"Aren't they dead?" a tired and confused voice came from the bed and Dong Koo nearly fell out of the chair in surprise. He whipped his head around so fast that he could actually hear it crack. He looked over at the bed, his eyes wide open in disbelief and saw Chi Kook's eyes open, just small slits, but open and alert.

"Chi Kook, you're awake." Dong Koo said loudly in amazed surprise, and the other man groaned at the loud voice.

"Yeah. Where am I?" Chi Kook asked, trying to sit up straighter, but not able to move much, his muscles all stiff from the months of lying in coma.

"Shh, it's all okay. You are at the hospital. You were attacked, don't you remember." Dong Koo saw Chi Kook think, moving as if his head was hurting and suddenly his eyes widened when he spotted the television screen.

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