Chapter 14

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The discovery of the missing witnesses had rattled both Yo Han and Ba Reum. The only relief the felt was that so far none of their friends had ever called in any evidence. But the thought flashed in their head. They might just unwittingly put themselves in the path of the killer.

"I have to call Hong Ju." Yo Han said suddenly, almost panicked. The fact that the killer was still active in the city scared him. Ba Reum quickly fetched the phone and handed it to Yo Han.

"Oppa, why are you calling me?" Hong Ju said. They had decided that she best never say Yo Han's name on the phone, or even said things that might betray them. Even though she was actually older then Yo Han, oppa had become their safe word. One could never be sure that the line was 100% secure.

"There have been some developments recently. Perhaps for the health of the baby, it's better that you move to the countryside a bit." Yo Han said, hoping that Hong Ju would understand enough of it, he heard her hesitate a bit.

"Uhm, yes, that is perhaps more healthy, with all the fresh air. I have some friends who live in the countryside." She said, and Yo Han knew that she had understood that he would have never suggested it if it wasn't important.

"That's good." He said, "keep safe, the both of you." Yo Han stopped the conversation, swallowing the lump in his throat.

He was feeling agitated. He tried to keep calm and cool, but a threat to the ones he loved was still too difficult to handle. In his mind's eyes the loss of his friend kept flashing. How many people could they still lose because of that monster?

Dong Koo waited for Moo Chi right outside the orphanage where Ba Reum grew up. It wasn't a very big place, but still a lot of children lived here. It made Dong Koo feel a bit depressed that Ba Reum had to grow up here after his mother died.

Sometimes he dreamed that he went back in time and that Ba Reum would live with him or with Chi Kook instead of this dreary place. They had been like brothers back then anyway. µ

He knew that his friend had never expressed being unhappy there, but he knew that Ba Reum didn't get the love that a parent would have been able to give a child. It is something that every child deserves.

Dong Koo thought back when Ba Reum had mentioned, if only a few times, that he was too old to be adopted, and always said that he was luckier then most, having money that he could access once he reached majority. Typical Ba Reum to have such a positive outlook even back then.

He remembered the way the man had always smiled and was always happy, only rarely growing sad or melancholy. Dong koo also knew that Ba Reum didn't like to talk about his youth. These were the moments he always grew still and an uncommon sadness would spread on his face.

Ba Reum then always skilfully changed the subject of the conversation, making sure to talk about something more inane.

Dong Koo looked at the garden behind the fence, smiled slightly when he remembered all the times they had been there before.

Eventually, Moo Chi arrived at the site, seeing that Dong Koo was already standing there.

"Hope you didn't have to wait too long, traffic was a bitch." He said in way of greeting. He actually hadn't been stuck in the traffic, but he had made a detour this morning. Today was the day that Kang Duk Soo was released. It was a case that laid close to his heart and he was against the fact that the man would be released.

Good behavior, right. No kids in prison...

So, since he couldn't do anything about the man getting out of prison, he thought that he tried to make sure that he wouldn't do anything that would put him in there again, or in a coffin if Moo Chi had anything to say about it. So he went out of his way to make sure the man would feel threatened.

Mouse - Brotherhoodजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें