Chapter 18

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Both man hurried to their car, quickly opening the door of the warehouse so that they could leave. Yo Han took the driving wheel, not trusting Ba Reum to keep it safe on the road while he was so panicked. The dark and the rain didn't make the situation safer.

Ba Reum did not insist to drive, but he kept on egging Yo Han on to drive faster. Yo Han tried to go as fast as he could, but the heavy rain limited his sight.

Luckily Ba Reum knew where Bong Yi lived now, and he kept an eye out on the side of the streets, just in case he saw Kang Duk Soo.

A flash of lightning lighted the sky, which was very lucky because otherwise Ba Reum might not have seen Bong Yi running hastily across the street into a dark reed field.

"There, I saw her." He shouted pointing to the spot where he had seen her. Yo Han looked up, but couldn't see her anymore.

"You sure?"

"Yes, hurry." Ba Reum almost shouted. Yo Han parked the car, the tiers screeching while he hurriedly puts the car to the side.

"Here put these on." Yo Han said, handing Ba Reum a black mouth mask and cap and donning one himself. They always had some of those lying in the car, just in case. Hopefully this and the dark would keep their identity a secret. Ba Reum quickly puts them on and runs towards where he had seen Bong Yi entering the reed field.

Yo Han knew that they had no other choice than to safe Bong Yi's life, but he hoped that this wouldn't ruing their plan. If someone recognized them, these last few months could all be for nought.

He was about to follow Ba Reum in the field, but changed his mind for a second. If Kang Duk Soo would be there, it would be dangerous for them. But he needed to be put in jail again. He sighed, and quickly called the police, just in case. It was a risk, but they should be able to hide easily enough in the reed field.

He ran after Ba Reum in the muddy reed fields, hoping that everything will turn out okay.

Ba Reum ran in the muddy field, hoping he was going in the right direction. The dark and the pouring rain made it impossible to follow tracks, but he heard some shouting not to far away.

He wax just in time to see Kang Duk Soo knock Bong Yi on the ground laughing. He has his hand tight around the forearm of a young girl, who is crying and trying to pull away, but the man was stronger then her.

Ba Reum saw red when the scene flashed up thanks to the lightning in the sky.

He rushed towards the man, and pulls him away with all his might. The man hadn't seen him and didn't expect the sudden assault, and was easily thrown on the ground. He went down with an oof, and the wind was knocked out of him.

Kang Duk So had loosened his grip on the child and the girl had managed to pull free and kicked Kang Duk Soo in the ribs and ran away to where Bong Yi was lying.

The man groaned in pain, and tried to get up, but Ba Reum tries to kicks him in the ribs again. Kang Duk Soo anticipated that move and grabbed his leg, pulling him down in the mud next to Kang Duk Soo. Ba Reum tries to find purchase in the muddy field, slipping a few times and struggles to get back up.

Kang Duk Soo had gotten up himself and kicks him a few times in the belly, making him groan in pain, knocking the wind out of him.

But then Ba Reum gets his bearings again. His hands find a rock in the mud and he braces himself. He tightens the muscles on his stomach and right after the next kick, he gets up fast and hit the rock hard against the other man's head. Kang Duk Soo had seen the movement and tried to box him in the face, but merely succeeded in ripping his mouth mask up before he went down, unconscious.

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