Chapter 21

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After the shocking conversation with Dong Koo and Chi Kook, Ba Reum had lighted up. He had been happy that his friend had awakened, and he had smiled so brightly that Yo Han thought it could have used to light up the whole neighbourhood.

He had sobered quickly enough afterward, realising how close it had been for Chi Kook, especially with the recent new murders.

Moo Chi had agreed with their plan, adding his own opinion about it and they would keep him informed from when he could go in action. Seeing the danger they were in, Dong Koo had promised not to leave Chi Kook's side, for the man's safety. It would have been child's play to get rid of Chi Kook.

They where about to leave to their hide-out to start the preparations for their coup de grâce, but before they could leave Moo Chi's place, the man had surprised them once again.

He stepped forwards and before the two man could react, they were being tightly hugged by the olde man. He whispered that they better stay safe now, because he didn't want to see them be killed, again.

Ba Reum smiled at the words and hugged him back, while Yo Han kept standing there stiffly and awkward.

"It will all be over soon." Ba Reum said, and they left into the night.

Moo Chi closed the door behind them and then he just sagged to the ground and started to cry, happy that they had been alive all along.

The drive towards their hide-out was a generally happy one. The fact that Chi Kook had awakened and that they would finally get rid of OZ uplifted their mood, but also brought stress. This was now the most important part. Now they had to succeed in their plan, or otherwise it was all for nothing.

They spend the night getting everything ready by the next morning, both man foregoing sleep and knowing that their friends probably wouldn't sleep either. Even if they had the time, the excitement would have just kept them up anyway.

"Ready?" Yo Han asked, when morning broke and the sun just started entering the horizon.

"Ready." Ba Reum said, and they started the first phase of their plan.

It hadn't been hard to find the phone number of Kim Bong Gu, special National Intelligence Service agent. It had been almost too simple for Ba Reum to hack the database without leaving a trace.

"Don't worry, I've done it before, when I was just a kid." Ba Reum had grinned at Yo Han's surprised expression.

He called the number, having already pre-calibrated the phone changer. Yo Han had his lines written out already and was ready to improvise if needed.

"Yes?" the voice came from the other side. It sounded as if they had just woken him up.

"Do you have any idea what you have caused?" Yo Han said angrily, but on the other side Kim Bong Gu heard the voice of Choi Young Shin. Ba Reum gave Yo Han a thumbs up, his head phones on his ears. A sign that the voice changer worked correctly.

"What do you mean?" the man asked with a yawn, sounded a bit annoyed.

"What do I mean? You have become too bold. Another witness missing. I can't keep on covering your ass. If they find more evidence, I'll just let the cops have you." Yo Han hissed through the phone angrily.

"Hey, now." The man started to say, but Yo Han interrupted him.

"I don't care for your feeble excuses. I want you to do one thing and you don't succeed. Worse, you almost manage to fuck up everything we achieved. Don't call me until you manage to do something right, you incompetent oaf ." Yo Han said in an angry voice and then hung up the phone.

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