Chapter 9

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Ba Reum walked nervously through the crowded streets, trying to keep his head down and avoiding people as much as possible. He felt jittery. He had the feeling that his height made him stand out a bit and that made him want to hide even more.

His shoes pinched a little and he just knew that his feet were going to be sore tonight, already feeling some sensitive spots. He had been so glad that they had found low shoes and that he wouldn't have to walk around in a pair of high heels. That would have been disastrous.

He had passed quite a few people already, and so far, no one had stopped him or even stared at him too long, so he started to relax his body posture bit by bit until his gait started to look more natural.

He didn't notice the way some people looked appreciatively when he walked past.

He entered a first shop, and swallowed dryly when he needed to order the custom things from the man behind the counter. He didn't dare to raise his voice and the shop owner had a bit of difficulty with understanding him.

"It's okay miss, you can speak up." The man said reassuringly, making Ba Reum blush a bit and speak a bit louder, still obvious in his nervousness, but the man tried to reassure him.

"I got the stuff in here, just a moment." The man said, walking towards the back. Ba Reum looked it through and took out one item.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't the correct version." He said, handing it back. The owner took a second look at it.

"Ah, sorry, it's the only version we have in stock right now. It should have about the same performance."

"I need the specific item. If you don't have it, than I'll just leave this one here." Ba Reum said, smiling nicely and approving the rest of the items. The man didn't seem offended and put the item back behind the counter.

Ba Reum paid for all his purchases and went towards another IT-shop. He hadn't planned to buy all of the stuff in a single shop anyway, seeing that a decent IT tech could easily know what he is planning to do with all of these devices together and may just call the cops on him.

The jingle of the bell of the second shop sounded when he came in and the guy behind the counter looked around at him and instantly put all of his attention on Ba Reum, who noticed the sudden interest in him.

"Excuse me, I'm searching for some stuff." Ba Reum softly, a bit nervous. Did the guy notice that he wasn't a woman.

"Yes, miss." he came a bit closer to hear better, leaning over the counter. Ba Reum resisted trying to back away.

"Well, I need some stuff." Ba Reum said, listing off a few items.

"Let me see what I can do for you." He said smiling at Ba Reum, going to the back to search for the equipment, giving Ba Reum a bit more room to breathe. The man returned soon enough with most of the items he requested.

"I don't have the last one you wanted anymore, but I can install it if you want." He said, seeing Ba Reum hesitate, he added, "it should only take about an hour or so."

"Oh, that would be great. I'll come back in an hour then?" Ba Reum asked, looking over the rest of the items and happy that he had gotten this stuff. Some of these transmitters were hard to get.

"Yes, I'll have it ready by then." He said with smile, nodding at Ba Reum. Ba Reum smiled back and the guy stood up a bit straighter.

"I'll be back soon then." Ba Reum said, bowing and going out. Feeling relieved afterward. For a moment he thought that he had blown his cover, but he guessed it was just him being a bit too vigilant about it.

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