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" Oh Raghunandan--eh!" I exhaled ample of air with a great force within a go.

Again my line slipped down my mind. Who wrote these lines which can be termed as one of the most time--taking lines to memorize. Abhimanyu rolled his eyeballs at my failure. His feets were uprooted to the ground from past fifteen minutes and here I am stuttering.

"Oh Raghunandan, I---"

Abhimanyu prompted my line in my stammering slang. He's a great actor I ain't any stage play artist! Who can believe that I am daughter like figure to pitr̥vya Kr̥ṣṇa when I am being reckless enough to glue the lines to the walls of my mind?The whole day rolled with my stuttering and here I am! Stumbling and fumbling with my dialogues.

I pulled up the corner of my lip as I stretched the cornea of my one eye.

"I can't take any role!" I rushed out from the place and dragged myself to the pond.

I sighed while cupping either of my cheeks. My self esteem and self confidence fell off the cliff.

"Hey Nārāyaṇa, was it so difficult or I ain't able to perform?" I mumbled.

I am someone who clings to the particular work till I aim at the target perfectly! But today, I myself had quit. It pricked me deep in. It's probably time for supper but no, a bolus can't be gulped down by me! I broaden my ear tips as they shiver to the upcoming foot prints. The familiar touch landed on my shoulder. I can sense this aura. My brother's! I Turned my eyes towards him with the tunes of disappointment at me.

"What happened, baby elephant? māṭa said that you are in a pretty foul mood?"

He adjusted himself beside me and engulfed me in his protective aura. I pour my complete displeasure out in front of my brother Niśāntha. I was displeased with my own performance.

"Didn't she convey you what happened?"

He nodded in a no. I huffed and articulated my attempts and my miserable memory. He chuckled at my distress. Am I being hyper that he giggled?

"Keep this aside, let me narrate you a story." He grabbed me with his lengthy arms and placed me on his laps.

I attempted to encompass my hands around his waist and leaned my head against his chest.

"So, there used to be a prince. Trust me, he was very very low at reciting the veda and purana. He used to change the pronunciation of the chants and hymns. Don't even ask how much time he used to take to memorize the chants for celestial weapons."

I blinked my eyes at the brief description. "Bhrāta, did he accomplished his education?"

My brother snickered at my question and nodded in a yes and flapped his eyelashes.

Cāndrēya Sahadharmiṇī~ Prēma Dharma{ ✔️}Where stories live. Discover now