Between the Two

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Hera POV.

Last night I saw I picked a nerve when I showed my concern for Potter. Draco doesn't like him but he doesn't hate him either.
The next morning Rita Skeeter is prancing up to the building waiting for her story to go in the daily profit. It's just sad as the lengths she'll go for a story. Picking on students and the Triwizard Champions.

"Why wouldn't she buzz off? I've been seeing her talking to students all day." Pansy says noticing Skeeter walking down the hallway.

"She'll do anything for a story. So I don't think she's leaving until she finds one. Let's just get to class so we can go to Hogsmade and get away from this school." I say

"Agreed." Draco says putting his arm over my shoulders as we start walking to Defense the Dark Arts

As we walked down the hallway Skeeter watched us like she was taking notes or thinking she'll ask us questions next. What ever it was didn't seem good.

Defense the Dark Arts>>>

"I forgotten he's our new teacher." I say Abit upset

"I would have been fine with Professor Lupin." Pansy says as we take our seats

"What is it?" Draco says watching my facial as I look at Professor Moody

"Somethings off with him. I just don't know what." I say turning my attention to Draco

"Maybe it's the amount of day drinking he does." Pansy says

"I don't know. I don't think that's it." I say

Then suddenly we all knew class about to start when he stomped his cane on the floor.

"The name is Mad Eye Moody. But you can call me Moody." He says as it's being written on the board
"Today we going to talk about curses. For you to know exactly what they are what they do, to protect yourself for evil of course." He says looking in our direction.

"We're not to learn curses until next year." Hermione says without raising her hand but then again she's right

"Dumbledore specially asked me to because of the turn of events happening outside of theses walls." Moody says trying to convince her but it's hard to convince a Granger
"Now can anyone tell me what an unforgivable curse is?" Moody asks the class and I raise my hand.
"Of course, Ms.Granger tell us."

"An unforgivable curse is the worst curse you can cast upon someone, it'll earn you a life in Azkaban." I explain as I'm reminding him

"Excellent, Ms.Granger. There are three, Can anyone else telling me one?" He asks and the room gets silent, "Come on I know your parents must have told you one."

"Well, my father told me one." Weasley says a bit frightened by the subject
"Go ahead Mr.Weasley." Moody says getting excited

"The imperious Curse." Weasley says

"Yup, causes a person to act out of their own impulses. Let's show what happens shall we." As Moody opens a cage with a creature in it, everyone looked worried.
"Don't look so down, it won't mind." He says as he casts the spell on it. And freaks everyone one out with what he does next.

He has the bug like creature jumping on desks to on students and on to my poor baby's face.

"Get it off!" Draco yells in fear as others laugh

I ended up taking it off his face into my hands until Moody made it come back to him.

"Now, what's the second Curse?" He asks and I knew this can go two different ways

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