Story6-how do i tell him

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Heeyy guuyys! 😚

Jays pov.

I'm sitting in my apartment and I've been watching tv for the last hour. And just as I'm about to go to bed. I hear someone at my door

I answer it and it's Erin.

"Hey"I say

"Hey.." She says

"You wanna come in..?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I just...wanted to talk about.." She pauses.

But I know what she is asking.

"The case today" I finish her sentence.

"..Yeah. how'd you know..?" she says as we walk over to my couch.

"We'll because your my partner and I know you erin"

"Yeah. It's just been haunting me. I've lived alone pretty much my whole life but I just can't do anything. You know. Afraid of turning my back in my own house because of what happened to those girls."

"Yeah. I get it. I just try not to think about it. You know. Ignore it." I say as I hand her a beer.

"Thanks. I really needed this." She takes a big sip of it.

I laugh "haha that's right. Drink a way your feelings Lindsay. Drink way your feelings."

She slaps me In the chest and laughs. "Shut up"

She stays over for a while.

"Did you wanna sleep over?" I ask her kinda tipsy because we are both on our 6th beer.

She just looks at me. and laughs. Like a weird girl giggle,I didn't know Erin could laugh like that.

"What?" I laugh too.

"Your just so. Innocent."

"..My ass"

"No for reallll. She gets closer. You probably actually want me to just sleep over. Any other guy says sleep over but doesn't have any intention of just sleeping" she slurs the last few parts.

"Wowww ok then Erin. I'm just nice because I'm a nice human bean..beung...being. Human being. Yeah that."

By now we each had 12 beers and 2 glasses of wine.

"Your drunk off your ass boo. Why don't You lay down." She laughs.

"Did you just fuckin call me boo" Im laughing so hard.


"Yes you did". Still laughing.

I fall off the couch I'm laughing so hard and I'm really drunk.

"Oops jay fell. Jay down!" Erin starts yelling.

"Who are you yelling at?" I ask laying on the floor.

"Jesus" she says.

"What the hell? where is he I have something to tell him.

"I don't know. Is he on the ceiling?"

"No. I don't see him"

"Let me check"

She throws herself fed the couch and lays right next to me. Our shoulders are touching.

"Why didn't you just come over here instead of falling?" I roll over to look at her.

She rolls over and looks at me too.

"I don't know, I'll ask Jesus when we find him." she nods.


"What did you wanna ask em?" she asks. We are still looking at each other.

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