Story-7 i remember you

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Hey guyyssss. So this is a LONG one lol. So just to remind you or if your new to my book. The chapters don't continue. So if you liked a certain chapter let me know and I'll try to include it or something like it into my Chicago pd/halstead fanfiction! thanks for reading I love your feedback! :)
(Sorry if there's spelling mistakes my fingers got so tired towards the end)

Erin's pov- hi I'm Erin I'm 10 years old and today I have to walk this new kid on my street to school because he's new and doesn't know how to get on and off the bus and stuff.

My mom wakes me up at 7:oo.

"Erin honey wake up. Time to go to school" she says.

"Ok mom" I say half awake.

I get out of bed and go in the shower.
It's a quick shower I'm only in there for 5 minutes.

I get out and put on leggings a white t shirt and over it a pink gray and white tank top. You know,those ones that tie
in a knot in the front.

I put on gray low rise socks and my favorite high top black converse.

I go into my bathroom and brush my hair. I put in into 2 French braids one on each side of my head,they both start on the side of my head and work they're way down.

It looks good so I hairspray it and brush my teeth. I go to my door and grab my one of my hoodies off the hooks.

I'm wearing a silver necklace with my name on it.

I grab my favorite black hair tie and put it around my wrist just in case I need it.

I pick up my backpack and run into the kitchen.

"I'm ready mom!"

"Ok sweetheart.grab something to eat. oh and don't forget your walking the new boy,jay to school today!

It's 7:30. The bus leaves in 10 minutes.

"Ok." I grab 2 granola bars and start to eat one.

"Bye mom"

"Bye love." She kisses my forehead

I run next door and ring the doorbell.

A woman answers it. "Hi I'm Erin from next door. My mom told me I'm walking jay to school."

"Oh yes. Hi sweetheart,your so adorable" she smiles.

"Thank you."

She tells me to sit at the kitchen bar counter thing until this jay kid comes out.

He comes out from the bathroom.

He is wearing jeans blue converse and a gray t shirt.

"Hi I'm Erin." I wave.

"Hey Erin. I'm jay" he smiles.

He seems nice. And I'm not sure but I think he's kinda cute.

"We should get going the bus leaves in a few minutes" I say.

He says bye to his mom and grabs his backpack and we walk outside. We cross the street and sit a the bus stop.

I hand him the other granola bar.

"Oh thanks." He says.

He eats it and puts the wrapper in his pocket.

The bus gets here and we sit together.

"So do you like this school Erin?"

"Yeah I do. I think you will too"

"Good. Which classes do I go to?"

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