Chapter 10- from last night...

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Hey guys I hope your liking the story! Here's chapter 10. :)
Jays pov.

Today i heard I was getting transferred to a new unit. I'm really excited because I got transferred to the intelligence unit! It's been my dream to work there for a while.

I felt like going to celebrate by myself so I go to a bar close by my apartment.

I'm off duty now but I don't change. I mean it's my last time wearing this uniform might as well get a good wear out of it. Plus I look pretty good in it if I do say so myself.

I walk into the bar and order a beer.

I'm sitting there and in checking my phone. I'm talking to my new sergeant hank voight. He is saying..

Voight: detective halstead please be here at the district at 9:00 sharp. Thank you. Your new partner detective Lindsay will be waiting for you with me in my office. She's excited to meet you. Wear regular clothing.

Jay:no problem sir. Thank you for the job. I will be there at 9. That's cool,I'm excited to meet her too.

And as I look up I see the blur of red behind me and I turn to see what it was. And it's a girl. It's a red dress. And damn she looks amazing from the back.

So i quickly make something up.

"Um excuse me miss,Do you know what time it is?"

She turns around and she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

I'm not gonna lie,She has a really nice body too. He hair is like a dirty blonde and brown. And she just looks like an angel to be honest.

She turns around and her eyes slightly light up and She walks over in her black heels.

"Um yeah. It's.." She checks her phone "it's 8:30"

"Thank you." I nod my head. It was a lame excuse to talk to her but at least I was able to speak to such a gorgeous human being.

"No problem. Do you mind if I sit here?" She asks.

"No not at all. Go ahead."

And she sits. And outs her purse on the counter and orders a drink.

And at the same time we both question each other

"So Are you here with your boyfriend?"

"So are you here with your girlfriend"

We ask this simultaneously.

We laugh.

Erin's pov.

This guy seems really nice. He is really hot too. I don't think he knows I'm a cop but it's ok.

He answers my question

"Oh. No I don't have a girlfriend"

"Oh.i don't have a boyfriend..officer"

It's so weird to say 'officer' I haven't said that in a while. It's kind of ironic but..he's so hot in that uniform.

jays pov.

I smile at the fact that she said officer. That was hot.

"So what's your name?"  I ask.

"It's Erin. Yours?"

"That's a pretty name,Erin.Mines Jay"

"That's a cool name. Jay"

She smiles.

"Soo jay..clearly your a cop"

"Yeah I am. What do you do?"

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