Chapter 12- gunfire

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Hey guys thanks for reading this! I'm loving answering comments and stuff lately! Glad you guys like this book as much as I do lol😊

Erin's POV

We are all in the office at the computers when a guy comes upstairs. He's middle aged a little on the heavy side. He looks harmless...

"How can we help you sir?" Ruzek asks from his desk.

"I was told you guys are the best people to come to for help with something"

"Well that would depend on what that is" jay says also from his desk.

"Well my daughter hasn't come home in a few days. I'm afraid she was abducted or something"

"Ok sir. Why don't you come this way. She will take you to be questioned so we can find her"  ruzek points to me.

"Yeah come with me" I say. I smile. And walk towards the brake room so i can ask him about this case he has for us.

We sit down. I take out my note pad.

"Alright sit what's your name?"

"Rob smith"

"Ok So sir when did your daughter go missing?"

"I noticed she was gone about 2 days ago"

"How old is she?" I ask writing down his previous answer.

"She's 17"

"Ok. Is there any chance she ran away?"

"I don't think so"

"Alright does she have a boyfriend or any close friends?"

"Yeah she has a boyfriend,much to my dismay.And yeah a few really close friends. Not a ton"

"Has her boyfriend ever been abusive or controlling that you have seen?"

"No. It's crazy how fast they grow up though. Let me ask you officer how old were you when you started dating?

That questions strikes me as kinda weird but i haut smile and say

"I was younger than her. I'll tell you that much."

"Oh. So it's normal at her age?"

"Yeah I would say so"

"Now what's your name again?"

"Detective Lindsay"
This guy is nice but sort of creeping me out.

"And Lindsay how old are you. Your so good at your job it's crazy!"

What the hell does this guy want from me these questions are a little weird. But he is so nice.

"I'm 27"

"Wow. That's great. Your working a great job at that age. A cop that is so cool"

"Yeah. Ok so is there any clue as to where she went?"

"No I hadn't heard from her in a bit and she was no where to be found."

"Alright sir. Do you have a picture?"

"Yeah here." He pulls out his wallet and points to a picture of him and a younger looking for with long auburn hair and green eyes. He says she's about 5'3 and has her nose pierced.

And also has a tatto of a dream catcher on her side. And her name is Alexa smith.

"Alright sir. We will do what we can."

"Alright. Could I get hit Number just in case you find her?"

"I'm not allowed to give my number but leave your number with the front desk and we will call you if anything comes up."

Linstead obsessionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora