Chapter 21 - Finale

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(Artwork by HezuNeutral)

Her shoulders slouched as she leaned her head forward, obstructing her vision. She felt lifeless, with no motivation to go on, no will to survive. Six lost the person who completed her, and she wasn't going to get him back ever again. Regret and guilt overwhelmed her as tears dripped from her eyelids, soaking into her yellow raincoat.


Her head instantly shot up, her bloodshot eyes glancing around the room for whatever made the noise. The quiet giggle she had once heard did not announce another return, the sound of the mechanisms of the elevator being the only thing audible, other than her own sobs and whimpers.

"Who... who's there!?"

She could barely speak as her uneven breathing made her stumble over her words. Six desperately traced the interiors of the elevator, her instincts kicking in for a moment. But after a while of looking around, she slumped her head back down.

"Just do it... kill me..."

Six mumbled, closing her eyes and hugging her knees even tighter. She awaited whatever was watching her to attack, balling her fists and accepting the inevitable fate that would befall her.


His final words began to play back in her mind, only causing more distress for her. She brought her hands over her ears, trying to block out the sounds of the cruel, merciless world so she could listen to his calm, soothing voice.


Her eyes widened, a newfound motivation building up inside of her. Six raised her head from her knees, a permanent glare scarring her face. He had died for her, for if he didn't sacrifice his life, they both would have perished. Now she realized that she still had one last thing to do before she died, and she knew that Mono's soul wouldn't be at rest until she did so.

"He wouldn't want this... no... he didn't die for this... I have to do it for him."

She got onto her feet, her arms hanging down at her sides as the elevator slowed down to a halt, a familiar dinging sound resonating off the walls as the doors opened up for her.

"I can't let her live."

Six stepped out of the elevator and into the darkness of the lady's quarters, the familiar purple walls making her feel sick to her stomach. The elevator behind her slammed shut, getting sent back up to whatever disgusting creature had called it. She took out her lighter, flicking it on and holding it out by her side. She struggled to walk, her stomach churning with every step she took, the sight of Mono being crushed by the weight of the guests replaying in her mind endlessly, torturing her to no end. Six took a deep breath in and exhaled, bringing her arm up to her eyes and wiping the remaining tears that formed in them.

She now had a singular goal in mind, find the mirror before her time ran out. Six held her lighter out in front of her, the flame lighting the way as she proceeded through the hallway, the wooden floorboards creaking under her shakey feet as she continued to recover from the traumatizing incident, a recovery that would last a lifetime.


Six gasped, immediately turning around and facing the open doorway to her left that was connected to the hallway. She waved the lighter around, taking a few steps back as a child-like voice began to whisper to her.

"You have lost everything..."

The dark figure stepped out of the shadows, its outline being traced by the flame of her lighter. She tried to steady her breathing as the shadow took a step toward her, its arms dangling by its sides.

Forever - Mono x Six - Little NightmaresWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt