Chapter 8. Meet the 47th Legion

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Winter held his eyes close, tighter than ever before, holding his wings over themselves, still waiting for an impact to come, even though his body is weak he can still take the hits. But nothing came, he heard rustling outside his wings. So he weakly opened his eyes, then spread his wings...

"We got you!"  "Get the traitor! Hold him down!."

Shouts were immediately heard as a icewing landed near winter, just as he looks up. "Men! Check the traitor's body! You, send the platoon to scout the area. if case this is an attack And get a medic over here!!" The dragon next to him shouted, it was the icewings, an entire patrol, and winter couldn't help himself but smile.

This nightmare is going to end...

He thought, grasping on lynx with his strength he tried to stand, winter collapsed almost immediately, feeling sick with his body felt drowsy as his head starting to spin. How long has it been? But before he could answer his question, he heard dragons landed next to him.

"Easy sir! Everything is going to be okay," the soldier spoke reassuring, making him calm knowing that they'll be safe, but he still not let go of his grip on lynx, "We got you guys alright, you're coming to the fortress safety when the medic arrives, just don't move that much-"

Through the tiredness of his body, his voice began to fade in his mind all he could hear his the wind breeze, eyes started to wonder off. With it moving as he found himself staring at the other icewings who grouped together and surrounded a body, a body of a mad dragon.

Once he saw the face, winter couldn't take his eyes off, glaring at his body for a long time, remembering how close he had come to death if he hadn't been saved. And then he started to think about the sandwing.

Thoughts that sparked sadness that he only did it for his sister, someone he loved, but again he killed many of royals, innocent for an act that only one was responsible for from a princess, and the more he thought, his heart beats faster.

If he lost lynx... after losing his brother... will he go on a downward spiral? To be cruel, awful, and cold like him, not caring about anyone or anything to get his way? Just to end up like him?

No, that's a stupid thought...

No, this isn't a story, this is real life. He could change, he could be better, and no author can decide who will live or die. The decision is his, any dragon can make it if they have the desire.

"MEDIC!" A shout interrupted his tired thoughts. "Over here! Two injured icewings asap!" he shouted, waving his talons up in the air in the medic's direction, getting the medic attention. His eyes fluttered against the wind, with his vision getting smaller and smaller spotting the new dragon approaching them in the air, flying towards them, as he wore a helmet with a red plus on it.

With that winter wore a smile, a smile with no more pain, he carefully let go of lynx. And if the world stopped, his body slow-motion fell onto the soft snowy ground.


His entire body giving out, as he shut his eyes peacefully as he lay to rest, and all he can remember, the feeling of bandages wrapping around his body, shouting that he couldn't make out, and darkness...


Wake up...

After the incident at snowy meadows, yes lynx won the naming competition. Fortunately, after recovering in blaze's fortress, she was... very friendly and had a very positive mental attitude to greet them. They quickly recovered with help from a medic bag which earlier was full of supplies and bandages, now it has a hole beneath the bag, assuming the supplied was cut open when he fled after lynx was shot. Luckily he didn't bother to dump the supplies into the river when he went to get them.

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