Chapter 12. Revengence

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"YEARRHHH!!" A battle cry roared with might, Silver grabbing the last guard, before throwing his head at his head as hard as he possibly could, with a loud crack can be heard afterwards watching the guard's helmet into pieces as he fell.

Leaving another unconscious guard laying around him groaning in pain, some of them with their snouts bleeding.

He was also growling the pain, with a few scratch marks here and there but it could be much worse.

"Is this all that you got Mistral?" Silver asked, puffing as he stared at her with angry eyes, as she stood kneeling checking on some of the guards that fell near her not responding to him, "or are you going to keep sending out more of your loyalist guards?"

Silver huffed, taking a deep steady breath after all that fighting and dodging as he waited for an answer, yet she still did not reply or even look at him.

After a minute or two Silver started to grow impatient. "MISTRAL!"

"Hmm, I guess I underestimate you." She answered dryly, looking at him finally. "I see you have changed over the years, but are still bold as ever."

"Mistral, you know what I'm going to do next! Are we going to fight? Or like your friends, do we talk like civilised dragons?" Silver asked mockingly while picking up his sword which was dropped during the fight.

"The way you're acting, I don't think I have a choice in the matter to pick. Especially when all my guards have been knocked to the ground." She glared around her as she steadily stood up, with their eyes locked on each other, staring into his. "Also when everyone is watching you."

Silver wandered around looking at the mess he made, fortunately for them, they are still alive. While during battle, he almost forgot that his legion was watching, seeing them all, reminded him of who he was fighting for, every single one of them. The ones who were wounded in tents silver saw from afar, the dragons who were his friends and the many faces he knew over the years, which some weren't there with them.

He knew exactly who was responsible for them, and today he will make it right he thought as his eyes burned with anger.

Unfortunately for him, she pieced together what he was thinking, and knew how to use it to benefit her.

"All these fighting, this could be."

"Shut- shut the heck up," he said abruptly, grinding his teeth at the number of irritating words that keep coming out of her mouth, "I'm not here to be lectured by you Mistral about my brothers, so shut up."

"-Silver, for once in your life, look and listen to what I am saying." She angrily said out loud and interrupted him. "There are bigger problems in the world that you have seen before, and if we don't act now our legion would be a lamb to the slaughter." She said, trying to convince silver.

"A lamb to the slaughter? I wonder who's leading it." He said back, not falling into her words in the slightest. "Face it, Mistral, your tricks don't work on me nothing can! I know you too well."

He held his blade up defensively, taking a few steps forward trying to get the upper hand in the situation, but she didn't flinch a single muscle.

"Hmph, admirable. But do you think I wouldn't be that dumb would I?"

Silver suddenly questioned her words, 'wouldn't be that dumb?' While in the thoughts he saw her suddenly taking a few steps forward over a guard, edging closer as he moved a bit back to her sudden movement. She looked around all the beaten guards, before turning to him.

"Look around you Silver, you know the kingdom, this once glorious tribe has gone to s**t, why do you still fight?" She questioned Silver, in return he gave a narrowed confused look.

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