Chapter 9. Memories of Dearest Friends

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They were forged in victory...

Icewings... with histories, legends dating back way before any of the tribes could remember. Or the tribes they once were. Not even even their oldest rival could, not even themselves.

They were built for war, constructed by their god to be the dragons of dragons.

With blood like no other, scales white as the moons, with spirits that never give up, as the heart of their army will never be broken.

Chains forged from their ancient bloodline of their ancestors, who fought in the twilight, the queens rein of terror, and survived through the scorching. Holding their world, so they wouldn't collapse. Because war is the only thing that keeps them together, without it they wouldn't know who they are without it.

But even through all of these wars, they still haven't learned a thing... with the brothers they lost, so many dragons.

They all could have lived...


After the speech from their queen and the instructor. Winter, silver, his commander and the rest of the legion took off, they headed south to another outpost north west near a city called possibility. Where it Is well known by many for its location, just like the outpost that they were tasked to siege, to take back what the skywings took. But before they will stop there to collect supplies, extra weapons and armour. All the materials needed, for war.

But before then it was a nice and peaceful flight for the legion, the breeze was fine, no strong wind in the sky to make them off balance, no battalion of soldiers flying randomly in icewing territory, and the weather was just right for them, nice and cold.

And in this time, winter gets to learn a bit more about silver, as he is the closest dragon next to him, other than the soldiers above them who just plain ignore him.

Including his commander, commander mistral.

Winter has no clue why she acts aggressively towards him, every time she looks at him, every time she talks and snarls. Like in any moment with her she could of rip his throat out, or ripped his head from his stone cold body. And speaking to her is no different. Every time the end of a conversation, she will always be moving her tail dangerously at him with her spikes spring out, ready to kill in the air.

She holds a really big grudge on him and winter knows it. But that wouldn't be possible as they, or maybe they did never meet each other before.

And even if they did that's still a lot of hate for someone who just joined not even a day yet.

But again, dragons have their own reasons... and he just have to make the most of it.


"So... um silver, friend... I mean, silver. Could you tell me more about this legion? And your friends, since I'm very new here." Winter said while flying next to him.

He blinked, "Like right now? Captain? Shouldn't we wait until we land on outpost 4, then I can talk to you, sir?" He replied making a valid point. "Didn't I tell you to not say that to me, just call me winter it's okay, also I don't think we could have a better chance than this," Winter pointed at commander mistral, who was too focused leading the correct path to outpost 4 as she mistakenly headed too far west.

"Good point, well I probably could tell you a few things ca- I mean winter," Silver corrected himself, "With the wind it's fine, and the temperature is cold... Yeah... okay I will,"

"Great, so um, first thing first... can you tell me why our commander is always like this? Like aggressive! And give dragons death stares?" Winter's spine tingles a bit when remembering seeing her glares, bringing up horrible memories.

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