Chapter 7. The Traitor in Kingdoms

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"...Let me ask you a simple question... when you have regrets... choices that lead into darkness... does the pain ever go away...? Everyone says it does... but I wish they were true... why can't it be true...?"

"Wounds heal... but scars don't..."



Winter shouted, within seconds when the fire blasted from the dragon mouth at her with his body immediately went to react. Winter ran towards her.

"I don't think that's *oof*," She said as she was pushed aside, a blast of fire hitting the backside of her throat making her scream in pain. Winter has never heard lynx scream before, and it left him with an uneasy feeling in his stomach, as his head spins in questions.

Who did this? What did this? Is she okay, and where is the attacker?

After pushing lynx down he quickly looked up, making his eyes focused on a shadowy figure in the bushes holding a sharp, looking blade. A sandwing made dagger shining in the light, with his fire in his mouth dying down, making the last light from the fire from his mouth making him able to see his face. And look familiar, like someone he saw not too long ago...

It's that... the sandwing from before? Winter glared at her briefly, but couldn't finish as the sandwing rushed out from the snow-covered bushes. And grabbed lynx and shoved her aside, pushing her once again onto the solid ground. Why did he...? Then it click.

He's going for me...

He is going after me for what reason? Wait, the royal bag! Three moons this isn't going to be good...

He got up again quickly, moving into a defensive position but got easily pushed back as the size of the sandwing was too big to compare to him.

"Hmmm wrong one... *cough*" he flitch obviously a bit tired and drowsy after firing his shot at his friend, "Oh well... make another for the count..."

And he went for the stab.

Winter quickly moved back just as the dagger missed him, but he didn't stop there. Sandwing tried again near winter's face and chest shortly after missing, forcing winter to keep avoiding his attacks before 'WHACK'.

Winter punched him in the snout, and after roaring in pain he closed his eyes and touched his snout, then feeling a familiar liquid on his paws, blood.

At this time, he had enough time to run to the bushes where the sandwing was when he attacked, taking this battle away from lynx so she could recover or not get hurt. And by the time the sandwing open his eyes again, eyeing his paws as he saw his blood from his nose, then looking up in anger, he was gone.

"YOU ROYAL BASTARD! YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" The sandwing screamed, looking around to where he may have gone, running to the bushes and trees as winter could hear his loud, fast pace heavy stomps on the snow.

Forcing winter to peak out if he's near, checking if he's the sandwing from earlier, and he was right. There was the sandwing, walking almost stalking the way he walks around, peeking in every bush that was near him, checking behind the trees, holding his dagger tightly into his grip. And he could hear him whisper things that give icewings the chills up their spines.

"Come out... It'll be quick, just like your friend icewing~" The sandwing slithered his tongue, "Or should I say, prince of the icewings... not for long though."

The chilling voice scares him, this dragon looks like he's been in brutal battles, with those horrific scars, and some blood he noticed coming down his nose from his punch sliding down onto his dry sandwing lips.

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