Chapter 7

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Momo POV

"I never thought I would see the day a spell of mine would work."

"Please my lady it never was your fault, it's those so-called magic researchers of this world that are at fault or your old magic teachers."

"Hmm now that I have seen your magic, what they casted seems like a cheap copy."

I was walking to class with Izuku in my arms as he was required to be in this cat-form in school, not that I'm complaining more cuddles for me.

"Hmm they are in my eyes. Crude and inefficient copies that have no place to exist as they are. But your progress is astonishing my lady. I thought you would take to this sport festival event to learn lower-high tier spells."

"Thank you and not so loud with the sports festival you know sensei wants it as a surprise for the class."

"My bad my lady."

"By the way I might let Midnight sensei do whatever she wants just to warn you."

"MOERW! Why my lady, what did I do to deserve such a punishment!"

"Remember this morning?"


I was walking back to the breakfast table from the bathroom. When I saw my parents standing there with their jaws dropped and wide-eyed looking at Izuku.

"Uhm what seems the problem?"

"MOMO sweetie whatever happens marry him! He is the one! No other can ever be more worthy of you my sweetie."

"YES PRINCESS you mother is right I will never give my blessings to another man other than Izuku he will be my son-in-law and no one ever shall take that title from him."

"Izuku what did you do?"

"Uhh I showed them my collection of treasures from the dragon hoards?"

"Oh oh that's not good they don't care for the money I know my parents but for what he needed to slay to get said treasures. Well not that I wouldn't mind his name being Izuku Yaoyorozu. But I said never to show anyone you need punishment my emerald demon lord~."

*Flashback End*

"Yes and I believed I said sorry for that my lady please don't let that lunatic get me."

"Are you truly sorry? Or will you just ignore my warnings again when I say to not do something hmm?"

"I will listen, I promise! But please anything but that she-devil! I shall fulfill any of your desires but I beg you my lady do not hand me to that woman!"

"ANY desire?"


"Ok from now on every night you will stay in my room in your cat-form so I can cuddle with you."

"B-but my lady that is -"

"Oh look there is Midnight sensei."


"*giggle* Good boy."

Walking into the classroom I see no one has yet arrived. Taking my seat and waiting for the others while petting Izuku I think to myself of all the spells I learned over that short break. "It truly is a marvelous feeling to cast magic. Zuzu you have made my life so much more rich. Yet will I be up to what you expect of me? I cannot but worry I will disappoint you."

The door opens and in walks Ilda taking his seat after saying good morning. Then slowly the others come in one by one over the remaining time before class. I simply kept petting Izuku who was softly purring.

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