Chapter 11

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Izuku's POV

My lady and I are currently on the train to her internship with Mirko. "She is quite excited isn't she." My lady hasn't stopped talking about one of her two favorite heroes.

"She is the number 6 hero, one of the only female heroes in the top 10 Izuku, can you believe it!"

"I can, my lady, as women can reach the same heights of men or even greater."

"Huh really? I thought in your world men ruled and women would be more of a support role."

"Nonsense there are many female leaders in my world. Shymi was one afterall."

"Wait what? Not Reama? Wasn't he the heir to the throne because he was emperor?"

"No Shymi was the one to be the heir and Reama was just an orphan like myself. We met when she snuck out of the castle."

"Huh you know that is romantic in a sense she met her husband when she sneaked away from her lifestyle. But didn't the royal family say anything about it?"

"No, as the belief with the "fulfillment" help with that problem."

"Wow must by nice to get acknowledge as a women without the whole sex appeal aspect."

"Hmm in my world women don't need that to be of great status. As there are many female only races."

"Wow, how do they not die out?"

"Husband from another race. They always give birth to a girl of their race with a few characteristics of their husbands."

"Huh the more you know"

While we were talking about my world's beliefs we arrived at our stop and after a short walk we arrived at the agency of the rabbit hero.

"My lady."


"Are we at the right address?"


We stood in front of what was it called? Right apartment complex. I believe it is a high end one but still an apartment complex. After ringing we were asked to come up to the 8 floor.

As soon as we steep 10 foot inside to which prior we saw no one we were attacked, acting swiftly my lady dodged to one side and I to the other. I block a rabbit's foot with a barrier. While my lady deflected a foot shaped after a rabbit's leg with a shield.

"Huh both of you have nice reflexes. But the cat was faster than you kid."


The one who greeted us was a dark skinned woman with rabbit ears and white hair. Her height was roughly 5"2 ½ feet besides her was a black rabbit with a white thin circle on its forehead. "Uh-oh a lunar eclipse rabbit. From what my lady told me of Mirko, that familiar fits like a glove."

"Well miss Mirko, he is a demon emperor after all so he knows how to fight while I am still learning from him."

"Right, I almost forgot that the cat had a human form. Still I bet I can take him on no problem.*Smirk*"


"I doubt it, lady Mirko."

"Oh cheeky are we? Well anyway, welcome to your internship, now what is your hero name missy?"

"The Everything Witch: Creati ma'am."

"Hmm nice one but why witch and not hero?"

"Oh because of a nickname they gave me as a mocking I thought why not use that since I use magic alot and show them what a witch can do."

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