Chapter 23 (Season 2)

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A few weeks have passed since the discussion Britney and I had, and ever since then she hasn't done a thing to any of the students at the school, that includes me! All has been going well; I got back on track with my grades, and things with Nightmare have never been better as well!

I go over to the house to see him and to bring him materials from school to keep him entertained. Teachers just think I'm interested in extra credit, though Nightmare has gone through so much extra credit that my teachers ran out of extra credit assignments, so now it's just practice for the topics we're learning.

I offered on many occasions to bring him some books from the library or to help him using my school books, but each time he said he doesn't mind working his mind on equations and questions from school.

Speaking of school.

It's finally Friday!

Which means if I can get through this day I have the weekend to look forward to!

I quickly got up and dressed. I put on a pretty nice red dress and put my hair up into a bun. I have no actual reason for dressing up, it was just the first thing I saw in my closet. Once dressed I gathered up all my school supplies, making sure to leave the flash drive here at the house where it would be safe and out of the hands of Britney.

She's made a few attempts to take it back but each time failed. At which point Nightmare and I leaked a small, less dangerous image to the internet. Just as a small warning that she should stop what she's doing and she did.

After grabbing my things I headed downstairs for some quick and easy breakfast before rushing to school.

I was early like always, so I got my things from the back seat and walked up to the school, Britney and her gang nowhere in sight. I got into the building and to my first period. The teacher doesn't mind having me in her classroom in the mornings, I keep quiet and do my own thing, leaving her to do what she needs to do before class starts. She even said she would rather have me in her class than any of the other students because she knows that they would act up and be noisy and disturb her.

Which I totally agreed with.

My classmates are good kids just every loud to the point that it is one of her loudest classes yet. I feel bad for her having to deal with us, and she feels bad that I have to go through all of this, but I know that it isn't me that she is yelling at, it's the others.

Eventually the other students started rolling in and class began with the usual bellwork assignment.

After class was over she gave us the usual amount of homework before we all left her classroom.

I walked over to my next class, which was math, one of my worst subjects. The teacher is nice and helpful, he tries to make sure that all of us understand the problems and how to solve the questions. But for some reason it just gives me a big headache in the end.

The only homework he gave us was to finish the math problems that we were working on today that we didn't get finished. On rare occasions will he ever give us actual homework assignments to do.

When that class ended I headed over to my next one, history.

When I say I hate history.

I mean I HATE history.

It's not so much the topic itself that I hate, more so the teacher who teaches it.

When I say that this 'man' goes by history, I really mean that and not the good aspects of it.

He is really racist and totally unfair to the other non-white skinned students, he gives them more homework, helps them less, he even points out key points in history that were the worst for 'their kind'.

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