Chapter 1- Moving in

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I was of course shocked and saddened at the fact of my mother's death, but I just couldn't get one tear to come out of my eyes. I plopped my bag down on the floor, and sighed. This was just great. I had to move out of my mom's house from Los Angeles about an hour away into San Diego.

I felt heavy with every step I took around the one-bedroom apartment that my distant uncle had arranged for me. I missed my mom, no doubt about it. She was the only person that made me really happy in my life.

I took a shower and dressed in a pair of grey sweats, a white tank top, and an over sized hoodie. The apartment wasn't that bad. The living was spacious and my bedroom was nice. Thanking my uncle under my breath, I went to get my laptop. I opened the top and looked through my e-mail.

There, I found a message from my uncle. His name was Johnny. I scoffed at the name and looked through the e-mail. It said that he had already signed me up into Polyway High school, under the legal name of Katerina Irene Yaffery. I hated my real name. It just didn't fit me, or my personality. Katerina seemed so... girly. But Katie sounded perfect because my mom had given me that nickname.

Remembering the times when my mom used to joke around with me about my full name made my heart fall into my stomach. I replied back to the e-mail to my uncle that apparently went by the name, "Johnny."

Dear Uncle Johnny,

Thanks so much for enrolling me into high school! And just wanted to thank you also for renting an apartment! I really appreciate it. :)

Sincerely, Katie

I sent the e-mail and closed the laptop. Today was Saturday. The sun was hidden by a layer of grey clouds in the sky. Uncle Johnny had mentioned in the e-mail that school would start on Tuesday for me. I decided to unpack both of my duffel bags and rearrange some things in the spacious apartment. Inside my duffel bag, there were two pictures of my mother and I, some extra clothes, and some extra money that I always kept in my wallet.

I placed the pictures on the glass side table that stood beside my bed, and unpacked all of my clothes that were neatly folded inside my duffel bag. After unpacking both bags, I moved to the living room and grabbed my laptop once again. I had a new e-mail from Uncle Johnny.

Aww, don't worry about it, Katie. Haha your mom was the best sister I could ever have had. Anyways, I'm actually heading to SD tomorrow at around noon with a few of my friends. I just wanted you to meet them. Anyways, you're almost out of high school right? Write me back and you can call me at this number. (356)-255-1100.

-Uncle J.K.

I smiled at the e-mail and wondered about my uncle. His name seemed so familiar, but I couldn't remember where or when I've ever seen that name, or inital before. I replied back to his e-mail.

Dear Uncle Johnny,

Yeah, my mom was the best mom I could've ever had. Where are you guys gunna stay? You're welcome to crash at my place if you want.


I was about to send the e-mail when a PM message popped up at the bottom right corner of my screen.

J: Hey kiddo, it's uncle J. I finally gotcha on pm so we can just talk straight back and forth.

I laughed at the message and replied.

K: Haha, well I'm glad ya did :) Anyways, you and ur friends have a place to crash? I think you guys could crash at my place tomorrow night.

J: Well, I dunno if you'd mind like 5 people staying in your apartment that are all guys that like to wreck stuff.

I scoffed and typed back,

K: Hahahaha! Don't worry, I had a dad before too, ya know and he was definitely a guy.

J: Alrighty then, if you don't mind, then I guess it's set. We'll just stay overnight so we won't give you a hard time.

K: Alright then, bye Uncle Johnny! See ya tomorrow!

J: Kay then kiddo, seeya!

And with that he was already offline in an instant. Okay, so what if my uncle and some of his buddies would be staying here? It would just be for one night...

I closed the laptop and grabbed my cellphone. Calling Domino's was the only way that I could get dinner for now. I decided to just go shopping or something tomorrow in the morning before my uncle and his friend's arrived.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I placed the remaining five pieces of pizza into the fridge and put my plate in the sink. Now it was already around ten o'clock and I was still wide awake to watch some movies. Good thing that I had brought some DVD's from home, or else I would've been bored as hell over here.

I took out the three DVD's from my duffel bag. The choices I had were, Titanic, E.T, and Jackass: The Movie. I decided to just go ahead and watch all of them until I couldn't stay awake any longer. First, I put in Titanic, and found it too mushy to watch about halfway through the movie. I never understood why mom always liked to watch movies like this; the mushy kind with the handsome actor, and the pretty actress.

Next, I decided to watch E.T., my all-time favorite movie as a kid. Steven Spielberg's amazing movies always seemed to captivate me, even if I had watched them over and over again. Mom and Dad actually always put this movie on when I was four or five and we would all watch it until I fell asleep cuddled in my mother's arms who was cuddled in father's.

Reminiscing through all of these memories seemed to have taken me back in time, and then back to the present, causing me to feel un-real at the very moment E.T.'s ship returned back into the sky, as Elliot looked up as the space-ship lifted up into the sky and took off.

As the credits started to scroll up the screen, I took the last movie out of the case and popped it in. I had no idea what it was about, and I didn't recognize the actors in it. All I know is that I've seen one scene of this before where a guy went roller skating in a buffalo herd.

This DVD was actually my dad's and I remember him watching this one time with my mom when they thought I was sleeping.

The movie began with nine guys on a shopping cart rolling down a hill and epic music playing. A man in the front with spiky black hair yelled at the camera, "Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is Jackass."

They all crashed into a fruit stand and the scene blacked out.

I fell asleep watching the movie. Somehow, there was something about that character in the beginning that reminded me of someone...

I'm in Love with a JackassDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora