Chapter 9- Talk About Crazy, Mental, and Weirdo

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There was an unexpected rush of dread that coursed through my veins as he made his way across the parking lot. And it wasn't pleasant. The moment I saw him, I wasn't surprised if he went ahead and took out a knife and killed us all. He made his way over into the mini-mart, looking around with his lips curved up. A creepy smile that I absolutely no longer wanted to look at. "Holy shit." Robin gasped, her little frame shaking and her hands covering up her mouth, "Why the hell is he here?" 

I shrugged, "I don't know! We have to figure that out later. What we need to do is get out of here!" 

Robin nodded fearfully as he made his way over to the snack bar opposite of the exit. We immediately put all of our things back on a shelf in one of the isles and dashed out of the store as fast as possible. We reached the hummer limo in time to see the others climbing in with their snacks. A Mini-Cooper was parked behind the limo which is what I assumed to be his. I pulled Robin into the limo with me, my hands cold and clammy. I knew for sure that he was following us. I felt him stare at the limo and make his way to his car. "Damnit, Robin! What are we going to do?" I whispered, looking around in a panick while she clutched onto my hand worriedly. 

She shrugged, "I don't know. I'm scared! What if Chester comes after us and he kills or hurts any of us?!" Her shoulders slumped, and she covered her face with her tiny hands. She seemed helpless, like a fly caught in a spider's web. There was no way out except for death. As the engine started and the limo took off, I looked behind us to see the tiny Mini-Cooper following close behind us. Everyone started to chatter noisily, while Robin and I stayed put in our frozen positions. Come on, Katie! Think! What can you do to distract him? My mind felt frozen. So frozen that I couldn't even seem to know what was happening. 

"Katie!" Someone yelled. 

"Huh? What?" I snapped out of my trance. 

"Are you okay? Are going looney or something?" Uncle Johnny asked me. 

"Yeah, you and Robin are acting really weird. Did Chris do something to you?" Steve-O questioned with a raised eyebrow. 

I gave Robin the should-I-tell-them-our-secret look as she glanced at me, then around at the wondering people around us, then back at me. Shrugging, I just didn't know what to say. Should we confess? Should we keep it to ourselves? I looked through the back window and saw that the Mini-Cooper was still tail-gating us. Letting out a pent up breath, I wondered to myself what exactly I was going to say. Should I say it? What if there were microphones around and if I told, then he would kill us all for sure? I imagined everyone drowning in the pool of blood from the dream that I dreamt of before. 

"Katie has a crush on someone!" Robin blurted out. 

There was silence for a moment. Everyone else immediately stopped telling their dirty jokes and experiences and became a silent, their loud laughs that filled the limo just a few seconds ago seeming distant. Everyone started to whistle loudly, with snide remarks such as, "Who is it?" "Yeah, who is it, Katie?" "He's in here right now, isn't he?" 

"Guys! Guys! Guys!" I heard Chris speak in an acrimonious tone, "Obviously she's in love with me!"

Bam interrupted, "What? Fuck no, Pontius. She'd never dig a dude like you." 

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I know she'd dig any guy with a big--" 

"Okay guys, just stop it already! I don't have a crush on anyone in here!" I shrieked bitterly, "I'm fucking sick and tired of all of your fucking games! Be mature for once! There's a creepy guy following us and he has problems!" 

The silence was shattered in the car as the men looked at me, then Robin, then at themselves. They all started to crack up hysterically. Wee Man fell out of his chair, clutching his sides and rolling across the carpeted floor of the limo, Steve-O leaned back in his chair, luaghing out loud. I felt my cheeks flush as Robin clutched my hand tightly. We both eyed each other, then the car that followed us behind. After the laughter died down, I remained quiet to think about how I would word the whole story correctly before we got to our hotel. "Guys, Robin had a boyfriend, who's name was Chester," Someone whistled, causing the men to laugh, "And he was obsessed with you guys. Robin had him meet Bam once, and Bam gave Robin his number instead of giving his number to Chester, and that made him mad. He beat her up!" Now, there were horrified glances all around that made me nervous. 

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