I'm in Love with a Jackass Q & A

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Hey guys! This is the first Q & A I've ever posted in any story, so here goes!

Katie Yaffery:

Q: Katie, what do you think of the guys so far? And what do you like about each and every one of them?

A: Oh, well first of all, I would like to say that ALL of these assholes are crazy. But, I love them all *Smiles* 

Okay, *takes in deep breath* here I go. 

Uncle Johnny is the bestest, coolest, weirdest, most random uncle I have ever had. I mean, I never knew that he was my freaking uncle! He's a handsome dude (not saying that in any awkward way) and he's just the closest person I've got right now since mom died and he's being really supportive. The only thing I feel opposed to is the new rule he made? I dunno. I guess he thinks I'm too young to start any relationships. (Hint, hint) I understand that he's been through problems just like me, and I still feel like a bitch for hollering at him like that. I never knew about his half-cousin's death. 

Ryan Dunn was it? Yeah, he's my older brother. Yeah, I had that moment with him when I felt bad about everything I said to the guys, and offended them. He's so forgiving! He's someone I can look up to and depend on when I have my troubles. He's someone that I can talk to. *Sighs* It's just like mom. I always talked to her when I had problems... But anyways, Ryan Dunn is the sweetest, and he'll always be one of the people I can talk to when I need a hug, or feel down some. 

Steve-O. *Facepalms* This guy is just hilarious. I'd probably go to him whenever I'd need a pick-me-up. He's a fun guy to hang with, and I'd totally go out with him to chill at the skatepark with him and stuff. *Blush* but you know, not that way. Steve-O does the most random shit I've ever seen. When I first met him, I was like, Who the hell is this drunk-ass mofo? But once I got to know him, he's just this ball of energy, waiting to burst!

Bam Margera. *Makes a thinking face* He's cute. Well, not like, cute, but you know... How do I explain? Adorable cute! Yeah. I think that's the word. Umm... he seems chill and he seems to be BFF's with Ryan. I think that's so cute! *Laughs* I dunno, I just seem to like people who are best friends. It reminds me of someone...(Hint, hint) I think it's really fun to get Bam pissed though! Like when we shoved pie in their faces! Man, I would love to hang with him and Steve-O at the skatepark; even if I don't know how to skate. 

Dave England. Aww, Dave is so nice! He seems the most mature in the group, but in the Jackass movie, he did the most disgusting shit. *Shivers* Oh well, I still love that guy! He's like another older brother (besides Ryan) and he's more mature than the others. But I like that. Sometimes, seriousness is needed in times of... of... *trails off* 

Chris Pontius. *Headslams into wall* He's funny, and he likes to play pranks just like all the other guys. He's an a-hole for putting ice down my back. But, he's totlally gunna get it in the next chapter... *Laughs* But under serious terms, I would really like to be his friend and maybe get to know him a bit better. It would be great if we did some crazy-ass prank on someone... I wonder...

Q: Ummm... okaaaay. As you readers can see, Katie loves to get side-tracked. But that was just a brief description on what she thinks of the guys so far. Now... I'm going to ask what the guys have been feeling about Katie for the past few chapters. 

 - - -

Q: What do you think about Katie so far, Mr. Knoxville?

A: I just absolutely love Katie. I treat her just as if she was my own! She's always been the sweetest girl, and now after years of not seeing her, I just wanted to help her out and support her because I know that her mom was so important to her, and that she was, and probably still is, traumatized about her mom's death. She's so pretty, but I'm afraid that the guys, will probably make a move on her. *Sighs* God, I guess I'll have to see what other crazy shit the guys are gunna do for Katie. I actually have a pretty good idea that Steve-O and Bam are starting to have some...mixed feelings about her. And that worries me. A lot.

Q: Aww... over-protective Uncle! What do you think about her, Ryan?

A: Well, she's a totally sweet girl, and she's really pretty too! If she was older, then maybe I would date her... *Laughs* Just kidding. She's too young, she's kind of like a little sister to me actually. Whenever she needs to talk out some problems, I'd be happy to talk to her any time. She's one special girl that needs some TLC because I know what it feels like when someone dies. You're just all emotional, like she was that one time and she felt bad for lashing out at us... And I just know. I just know... And if any of the guys pick on her, they're gunna see what's coming. 

Q: Awww... Brother Ryan is also over-protective! Okay, Steve-O! What do you think of Miss Yaffery since you've met her?

A: God... I just can't describe her... Well, let me put it like this. When Knoxville told us that we were gunna go crash at his neice's place, I was just like, Oh great, I wonder how this chic is gunna be like... A total bitch? Or a slut? (No offence, Johnny, hahaha) But when I first met her, her blue eyes just pierce you like a knife through a buttery steak. And I literally felt my heart skip a beat. I mean, I've seen a lot of good looking girls, but Katie is the most beautiful, prettiest, nicest girl I've ever met! Damn, I wanted to kiss her so bad on the lips when I found her when we were playing hide and seek, but I just met her, plus Knoxville would've been pissed, so that's why. When she told me to shut up, I think my heart dropped. I should've gone down there and talked to her. Maybe I shouldn't have interrupted when I already knew she was angry. Actually, I didn't know what she was feeling at the time. Mixed emotions? Fuck, this girl needs a smile on her face and a big hug... and I'd take up on that offer any day...  

Q: That's sweet, Steve-O! Bam, your thoughts? 

A: Okay, well I've gotta admit, this chic, is just absolutely gorgeous! At first when I saw her, she looked like a sweet girl, and her eyes are so pretty... And Knoxville had to make me do that dumb ass stunt as an entrance for his niece. But, I was pretty glad that I did, because she was looking at me, and that counts as a sign of feelings for me right? Ugh, I'm just so fuckin' desperate for this girl's attention! You seriously cannot say how much I wanted to kiss her on the lips when Steve-O made up that stupid rule, but I knew that her uncle would've been pissed so... And I was seriously the happiest dude in the world when I piggy-backed her home! Man,I hope to carry her around again, it was fun. But I remember and still feel like an asshole when I yelled at her. Fuck... I just hope she doesn't hate me or anything... She looked pissed at me, like she would never look at me or talk to me again! Well, I grabbed her hand when we were watching the movie, and she squeezed it back... Does that mean anything? Also, after the movie, she looked cute in her baggy sweater and pajamas! I wanted to go up to her and give her a big motherfuckin' hug... FUCK. I'm doing it again. I can't be falling in love with my friend's niece who's like at least seven or eight years older than me... right?!

Q: Ermmm... okay. I guess Bam has got to deal with his "problems" in future chapters. Good luck Bam. Mr. England? 

A: Well, I just wanted to say that Katie seems to be in a lot of pain and suffering right now. She seems to be... lost. I don't know why, but I have a weird feeling that something dramatic is gunna happen, and this is going to affect the way every single one of us feels about her. Well, for one thing, I have this weird feeling about her? I don't like her in that way. Umm... I don't think... We can be close friends. Just friends... And umm... yeah. I wanna know more about her story. I want to know her. She's definitely a special girl, in my eyes. There sure are gunna be weird ass things that will happen to her in the future especially since she's gunna hang with us for awhile.

Q: Okay then, fortune teller Dave... Chris Pontius' thoughts...?

A: Okay, for one thing, this lil' chica is sweeter than ice-cream and cuter than any motherfuckin' puppy I've ever seen! She's young, and fun. That's what I like about if ya know what I mean. *Wink wink* Haha, just kidding, but Katie is really a fun person to be around, it's like she lights up the room with her smile and happiness. Man, that just sounded really corny, didn't it? Anyway, it was super awkward when I landed on top of her on the first day I met her. Um... I was super confused and weirded out, but it was pretty damn funny. When she was mad at Bam, she seemed like she wasn't herself. Now I'm lost. I should talk with her and see what's really behind those big blue eyes of hers...

Okay... Q&A is over... whew! If you are reading this, you can kind of tell that there are gunna be some events in the future that will hover around this Q&A. 

~Happy Reading!~ :D

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