Chapter 20- We're Not Done Yet!

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"Bam Margera, found on the streets in downtown Los Angeles has been arrested and sent to the Los Angeles County Jail this morning at around four or five o'clock just this morning for causing disturbances to a local apartment community." A news broadcaster spoke into a microphone. I just sat in my hospital bed, shocked at the situation. Bam Margera in jail? Was this to be expected out of him? I thought he was a nice guy and all. The sweet type that would get in trouble by the cops but slyly slip away from the situation. 

"Here's what he had to say to the cops while being arrested. This tape was taken by a paparazzi just happening to be scouring the neighborhood."

"At four o'clock in the morning?" I asked the television blandly, then listened carefully to Bam's words. 

"Fine, whatever. Take me to jail. I don't think she gives a shit about me anyways." Bam mumbled and was shoved into the police car and taken away. I stared blankly at the screen, as a dog commercial came onto the screen. 

My heart dropped to the ground. Actually, not even to the ground. Way lower than that. My shallow breathing and my pounding head just made the pain even worse. My heart wasn't resilient to his words at all. I felt like I was stabbed in the back by the person whom I had the strongest feelings for. It's official. Bam Margera hates my ass. 

I feigned that the kiss with Steve-O never happened in my head, but my shallow breaths, shaking hands, and aching heart couldn't stop the feeling of emptiness inside. 

Why do I have to be such an arrogant bitch?! Bam hates me, and Steve-O probably feels the same. 

 The door of my small hospital bedroom opened, and there stood a nurse's aid, young and vibrant, her long, wavy blond hair tied up into a ponytail. 

"Hey there!" She chirped, her green eyes full of happiness. 

"Hi..." I replied gloomily, 

"It's time for you to be discharged from the hospital." 

"Yeah," I stood up and sighed at my bandaged arm, "it's time I get outta here." I added. 

"Why do you seem sad?" She rolled a wheel chair over to me.

"Just some guy problems, that's all." I sat down slowly in the wheelchair, being careful as not to strain my left arm when supporting myself to sit down. 

"Aw, well don't be dispirited! Keep your hopes up and you'll be fine!" 

Yeah sure, I won't be dispirited after the person I love was taken to jail early this morning, hurt and pissed at me. And sure I'll keep my hopes up for someone who's also heartbroken because I hurt them by accident. With my sarcastic and dreading thoughts, I was wheeled out of the horrid place. Los Angeles really was a bad place for memories. 

- - -

I sat in the first row of the crew van, my arm immobilized at my side. "Geez, are you sure you're okay, Katie?" Jeff asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little...tired." I lied. 

"Ah, I see. Maybe we can head back to the hotel for lunch?" he added. 

"Yeah, I guess." I mumbled. 

As we made our way to the hotel, the rest of the van remained silent. The only sounds were the steady, soft rumble of the engine and the honking of horns on incoming traffic. 

That had to be by far the most awkward and apprehesive car ride in my life. 

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