Chapter 8- A Secret To Be Kept, A Psycho To Be Met

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I froze in horror as the person on the phone chuckled suspiciously, "Are you still there, princess?" 

"Y-yeah... I'm still here." I replied in a hushed tone. 

I noticed Bam eyeing me quietly while sitting next to Robin. Carefully, I avoided his gaze and tried to stare outside the window instead. The intensity of his blue eyes slowly but surely seemed to pull me back into his gaze. I trembled as the creepy voice spoke to me, "Do what I say, or else I'll hurt you and Robin."

For some odd reason, I felt dizzy. My heart beat slowly in my chest, as if time was standing still. Uncle Johnny put his arm around me and laughed at a joke that Dave put out in the open. Ryan chatted to the others noisily-- including Steve-O and Robin-- making them laugh. I stared at the floor for a long time, hiding my face behind my bangs. "Now you listen here princess, how about we make a deal?"

"What the hell do you want from me?" I asked. 

"I want you to get your uncle's cell number and give it to me. I'll need it."

"And what if I don't?" I replied, slightly confident in myself. 

"Then I'll sett off the bomb that I put inside Robin's purse. It'll kill you all." He chuckled, "You have three minutes to text me the number, then delete it so no one can see it. If you make one false move or go under the time limit, then you'll die." 

With shaky hands, I hung up, tears in my eyes. I had no idea what to do! Either take Uncle Johnny's number and give it to the menace, or die. "Um... uncle?" I asked shyly. 

"What is it, sweetheart? Do you need to hit the bush?" 

I gave him a fake smile, "No... I was just wondering, what's your phone number?" 

He eyed me questioningly. I stuttered and talked in a rush before the ticking time bomb in Robin's purse would go off. "I-I... Y-You know... Just in c-case I get l-lost. Also for Robin because she can get lost easily." 

He seemed convinced enough to give me his cell phone number. I gave him a grin and immediately texted the crazed villain who I knew for sure wanted to harm us for some odd reason. As soon as he replied to immediately delete the message, I did what I was told then tossed the phone back to Robin. "Did he say anything to you, Kat?" 

Forcing a smile onto my face, I replied, "Nah... He was an asshole. He needs to go fuck himself."

"Woah, Katie. Watch your language!" Chris said sarcastically. 

The shoe had already flung its way across the limo and made a loud slapping sound on Chris' chest. "Ow!" He yelled and rubbed the spot where the shoe had hit him.

"That's what you get, Pontius, for being so sarcastic." I rolled my eyes at him. 

Before I knew it, a shoe came flying towards me, hitting me in the face. Everyone in the limo gasped as I was slapped across the face and a flip flop hit the floor with a thump. A stinging sensation could be felt from my cheek-bone to my jaw on the right side of my face. Brushing the hair that fell in front of my face, everyone gaped at me with grimacing faces. "Holy shit Chris! What the fuck did you do?" Ryan asked. 

"Yeah man, you hurt her!"  Ehren commented. 

"Not cool dude." Wee Man replied disappointedly. 

"Ooh. Are you okay, sweetie?" My uncle turned my head towards him and looked at the mark on my cheek. "That looks pretty bad."

I pulled my face away from his grasp, "I'm fine." I replied grumpily. I then felt bad for being so harsh, "You guys know I'm not a weakling, right?" I took the flip flop that Chris threw at me and walked over to him, holding it front of his face. "Here you go." I smiled sweetly. 

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