Kyoto Protocol - Momo (Part 1) [LSMverse]

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Good day to you ladies, gents and attack helicopters. This will be the 3rd LSMverse spin off in this book. This one is about Momo's  adventures in Kyoto when she leaves from Jan 1-8. Hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :). Part 2 and the first chapter to Sociopath is in the works as this gets published so hang tight!



"Everything packed Momo?" Sana asks as I wheel my luggage out.

"Yup, I should have the things I need," I reply.

"What do you mean 'should have'? You must be certain that you have all your things!" Jihyo scolds.

"Sorry Mom...I do have all the things I need," I correct myself.

"That's better," Jihyo smiles.

"We ready to go girls?" Minsoo asks as he walks up next to his girlfriend.

"Ready!" the 3 of us exclaim in unison. Today, I was flying back to Kyoto to go see my family. In reality, I was literally only seeing my family for a day before I spent the rest of my time there alone. I needed some time to reflect on my emotions and actions...especially after our incident at SM.

"Great. Let's get to the van," he says. He helps to take my luggage as Jihyo grabs his arm. He put on our shoes and walk out of our dorm. All the other girls were away with their families, with Dubu chilling with her family in Seongnam, Chaeyoung spending her time with her swordsman boyfriend, Tzuyu and much to my disappointment, Nayeon at the hospital, Mina...most likely getting railed by her boyfriend...the thought of that just made my blood boil...and Jeongyeon with her family in Suwon. I guess we all needed some time apart after the horror in SM HQ.

We piled into the van as Minsoo started it up, causing the engine to roar to life. He pulled out of our carpark and exited the complex, driving us to Seoul Incheon airport.

"Excited to see your Otosan and Okasan again?" Sana asks in Japanese.

"Very. It's been way too long since I last saw them," I reply in my mother tongue.

"It's been almost 3 years right?" Jihyo asks in Japanese as well.

"Hai. Jeez I think they'll be excited," I reply.

"Girls...I-Is it okay if you guys...don't speak Japanese around me?" Minsoo asks.

"Why not? Are you afraid that we're talking shit about you?" I challenge.

"Or are you scared that Jihyo is talking about how good you are in bed~" Sana teases.

"Ya! Sana!" Jihyo scolds her, her face going full red.

"" Minsoo stammers, struggling to formulate an answer under fire.

"Relax Minsoo, we're just joking," Sana giggles.

"But Jihyo does-"

"Shut up Momo!" Jihyo exclaims, going even redder. I giggle and stare out the window, watching the fleet of cars passing us in a blur.

"What are you guys gonna do?" I ask.

"I'm gonna help move our stuff into our new apartment," Sana replies.

"Still looking for an apartment," Jihyo sighs. Minsoo takes a hand of the steering wheel and squeezes Jihyo's hand.

"Don't worry Jihyo, we'll find a place soon," He smiles. What a way to make me feel lonely.

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