Formula - Dahyun (Part 1)

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Hey guys! So Dahyun's part is finally out (after much procrastination, too many stories to write at once 💀). Anyway, this one may seem a little rushed and hence I apologise for that. I was kinda forcing myself to get this out so I can work on the Nayeon book and the LSM lost files stuff that I got running as well. Once again I apologise for the shit quality and slow updates and I will be back!

~Better to cum in the sink than to sink in the cum





"Should we leave her alone?"

"She'll be late if we do!"

"Ah scratch this. KIM DAHYUN!"

I shoot up in bed and see my parents standing over me.

"Ya! Wake up! If not you're going to be late for your first day of work!" Eomma scolds me. My eyes widen as I throw my blanket off myself and quickly run to my cabinet.

"What's the time now?"

"8 am."

Ah shit. Sana was definitely waiting for me already. I run back to my bedside and drop Sana a quick text telling her that I'll be late before running into my bathroom. Today was the start of the first term, marking my first day of work in Seoul National University, and of course, I just had to be late on my first day. I need to get my sleep schedule in check...

I take a quick shower and apply my makeup before dressing myself in my work attire. I practically dash out of my bathroom and run to grab my bag.

"Dubu-ya! Catch!" Appa calls as he throws me a brown bag which most likely contained my lunch.

"Kamsahamida, Appa! Bye! I'll see you later!" I yell.

"Have a fun first day!" Eomma yells back. I quickly throw open the door and run to the lift lobby. I take the lift down to the first floor and sure enough, I see Sana's car waiting for me.

"About time!" She says as I shut the door.

"Mian...woke up...late," I pant.

"As usual," Sana giggles. She puts the car into drive and takes us to work.


"Nervous Dubu?" Sana asks as we pull up to the gates of Seoul National University.

"Of course! This is my first job and it's this big!" I exclaim. Sha laughs and grabs my hand.

"It'll be fine Dahyun. Come on, let's go in!"

Sana drives the car up the the security post and rolls down the window.

"Name?" the guard asks.

"Professor Minatozaki," Sana replies.

"And who's that?" the guard asks as he points his pen at me.

"K-Kim Dahyun. I'm the new lab assistant," I reply nervously. The guard picks up a clipboard and flips through it.

"Ah, there you are. Welcome Miss Kim," he says before pressing a button. The gantry lifts and Sana thanks the guard before driving in. She parks in the reserved spot and we get out together. We pull our coats around ourselves and I follow Sana into one of the buildings.

"Welcome to the science block!" Sana exclaims as she gestures around. I can't help but gawk at the massive interior. I've seen photos but goddamn! This place was a lot bigger in real life!

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